[ 10 ] 2013

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[ 10 ] 2013 


"If I fooled you, surely I can fool the girl."


"What do you know about the original family?

Calum's face contorted in cofusion, his brain not yet able to register Ashton's words. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He wondered, wiping his tired eyes with the backs of his hands as he sat up on the couch.

The hazel eyed boy gestured to the book still in his hand before he tossed it at Calum. The book landed on his lap and was corner marked on the correct page so that Calum could easily find it. The raven haired boy opened up the book filled with hand written information and took a few moments to read the words on the page.

His eyes widened at the information on the page. Looking up at Ashton, he breathed, "How the fuck are we going to find the original family?"

Ashton shrugged. "I was hoping you would know."

"All I know about them is that they're British-Canadian, from Montreal or something. But I don't know the family name or an exact location where we could find them. For all we know they could be anywhere in the world now." Calum said, wracking his mind for any information on the first family of shifters he could remember. Groaning when he nothing came to his mind, he added, "Ah, fuck. Harley's as good as dead."

"We can't give up." Ashton insisted. "Let's take this one problem at a time. We need to get Harley back and once we've done that we can worry about finding a member of the original family. There's no use in losing hope as of this moment."

"You're so optimistic." Calum scoffed. "Its sickening."





The nineteen year old hunter walked the hallways of the hospital towards the cafeteria which was located at the very end of the building, past a long hallway with vending machines on either side. Paúl rolled his eyes at the food selections displayed in the machine. There were healthy alternatives such as baked potato snacks, sugar free cookies, and trail mix. The soda machines only offered diet drinks and low sugar juices. He thought it was ridiculous. In his native Mexico everything was made with real sugar and then there were places like this where people drank flavorless liquids. In any case, Paúl thought, if people wanted something flavorless they could settle with water.

He passed the long hallway full of vending machines and stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria. Through the glass doors, he could see the blonde girl he was there to find. She sat there, facing away from him, munching on her potato snacks. 

Paúl pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and dialed Dempsey's phone number. He waited a couple of seconds for her to pick up. "Demsi," He said into the phone.

"Oh, hey Pauly." She said cheerfully from the other line.

"Any news about the boy?" Paúl wondered.

"Everything's the same here." She indormed him. "How are things back home?"

With his eyes still trained on the girl inside the almost empty cafeteria, he said, "I found the girl. I can distract her for a couple of minutes while you get here."

"Okay." Desmpey responded and the line went dead.

He was about to push the door open when he heard the familiar voice of the strawberry blonde from earlier. "Hey there!" She shouted in her cheerful voice. The hunter turned towards her, hoping her loudness hadn't been enough to catch the other girl's attention.

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