mitm solid copy

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everything is ready to have the raffle for the hard copy of MITM! arent you all excited? i am ^.^

im going to order two copies, and as soon as they come in, im going to gove it away to two lucky winners :) so if you want to participate, here is what you have to do:

-comment below: your name, and country. (thats it!)

from there, i will have two piles. one for american readers (my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty). the other pile will be for international readers (sorry guys, there are way more american readers and i want to make the piles even).

so i'll give away TWO COPIES.

one to an american.

one to an international person.

so yeah, if you win, i'll message you to get your address so i can stalk you (lol jk, so i can send the book). and i hope everything goes over smoothly!

oh, and if you dont win and would like a copy, i will post the link when the winners are announced. then you can order your own. not sure if they ship internationally though. sigh. it will cost 10$ american dollars, and 10% of earnings will be donated to the church ^.^

so yeah, thank you so much for all your love and support!

oh, and follow me on twitter @/brizueia if you havent already bc i will be posting updates about the giveaway ^.^ just to keep you all involved so you can see everything and know everything!

blessings, clary xx

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