[ 39 ] 2013

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[ 39 ] 2013 

It was the Saturday of Niall and Andrea's party. Harley was sat at the table with her parents and Phoenix, who still hadn't left Sydney. It seemed she had told her mother she was visiting Harley in Sydney after her supposed church retreat. Phoenix's mother was good friends with Harleen Quinn, she trusted her to take care of her daughter. 

The only person missing at the table was Billy Quinn.

"Where's your brother?" Aaron asked Harley.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Still in his room, I'm guessing."

It had been three days since Cindy and Billy were broken up. In those three days, Billy had gotten out of attending school by pretending to have a cold. His parents knew he wasn't sick, but they say how upset he was feeling and didn't let him know they were aware he was lying.

"Go tell him to come down for breakfast, please Harley." Harleen said.

Harley rolled her eyes, but left the table. She was concerned for her brother. He seemed to be taking the break up very hard. Harley had never seen Billy suffer so much over a girl. 

She walked up the stairs and went left, towards her brother's room. The door was slightly ajar and she could see her brother's figure still in bed, but she knocked anyway. When there was no answer, she assumed he was asleep and went to wake him up.

Pushing the door open, she called, "Billy..."

"Go away, Harley." He groaned, covering his face with his blanket.

"Mom wants you to come down for breakfast." She informed him. When her brother said nothing, she added with a sigh. "You need to get out of bed at one point, Billy. She was just a girl. Its not like you couldn't easily get a new girlfriend." Especially with the way people at St. Genevieve's were into new students. Harley was sure any other girl would gladly date her brother.

"None of those other girls are Cindy." He said in his laments over the break up. "None of them will laugh the way Cindy does when I tell a bad joke. They won't smell of roses like Cindy does because she has a huge rose garden at her house. They won't kiss me the way Cindy does because no one has lips like hers. Harley, maybe you don't understand because you've never been in love. But Cindy is the love of my life."

"How can you know that?" Harley challenged. "You're only seventeen."

"I'm going to be eighteen soon." He argued. 

"That makes no difference!" His sister pointed out. Remembering another message she had for him, she added, "Your basketball, football, and cross country coaches talked to me. They said you'd better not miss practice next week because they're already cutting you enough slack as it is, letting you participate in all three sports when the maximum at St. Genevieve's is two. And your teachers sent me all your homework for those three days you missed. They want it done by Monday." She gestured to the stack of homework on his nightstand.

Harley was amazed that her brother could do three sports, participate in the math and science club, and still have time to keep his grades perfect. She thought that it was probably because he was a regular human. While she had supernatural things to take care of, her brother had time to be a normal teenager.

"I'll get it done." He said, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

"You better," Harley warned, "I don't want you to plummet your grades or else mum and dad will need to support me with my academic stuff and I hate school."


But Harley couldn't just stand by and do nothing while Billy and Cindy were separated. She saw how much it was affecting her brother and she wanted it to stop. Since she wasn't allowed to drive on her own, she asked Calum for a ride. But he had to wait for her outside because Luke and Calum didn't like each other and Harley wanted to avoid an argument. It seemed that there was plenty ever since Phoenix arrived.

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