[ 9 ] 2013

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[ 9 ] 2013 


"What do you know about the original family?"


The nineteen year old hunter walked the empty hallways of the hospital, looking out for the blonde who left their house in the middle of the night. He stuck his hand into his leather jacket pocket, it was the signature clothing item of the hunters, and brought his phone out to check the time. It was very early in the morning and he would be returning to the hospital in a couple of hours. That meant he had about two hours to search for the girl.

He wasn't sure where to begin, but he walked towards Luke Hemmings' room. A3. 

That was the one place he needed to keep guarded the entire night. Paúl walked casually by the room, sneaking a glance into the small window to see a blonde haired boy with all kinds of tubes hooked up to him. On the door was a number pad that could only be oppened by a passcode. That would make it more difficult for anyone to get in.

He also noticed there was no one else in the room with him. The hunter stopped in front of the door, looking around to see if he could find a security camera. There was one a the end of the hallway, right in the corner with a clear view of the room. Paúl thought that if he could hack the computer systems in the building, he could connect to his cellphone and search the entire hospital from one place. It was quicker that running up and down the entire building, searching for someone who wasn't in a stationary position.

Paúl walked into the other waiting room, the one full of worried people, waiting to hear news of their loved ones. He plopped himself down on an empty seet in the corner of the room, where he was sure no one could sneak a glance at what he was doing.

He was on his phone, trying to break into the hospital's security system for about two minutes when a girl sat right next to him. She was a teenager; about sixteen or seventeen, with strawberry blonde hair and ice blue colored eyes. Her long hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she wore warm clothing that looked like pajamas, she likely didn't have time to change into something else when she had to come to the hospital with her loved one.

The hunter turned to look at her for a second before he returned his attention to the phone screen. "Hi." She said rather cheerfully, despite the fact that she looked like she had been crying earlier.

"Hola." Paúl replied in Spanish.

"Oh." She said at his response. "Uh...do you...espeak english?"

Paúl rolled his eyes before looking at her once more. Speaking in his thick Mexican accent, he replied, "I speak english. Is there something you need?" He almost wanted to reply with a typical Mexican phrase; se te perdio algo? 'Have you lost something over here?' But he didn't want to be rude.

"No." She shook her head. "I was just trying to be friendly. So..." The girl spoke in a casual way, "Are you waiting for someone?"

"My brother Jóhn." Paúl quickly lied. Being a hunter he realized lying was usually more simple than the truth. It was certainly quicker and the words came across more fluidly. His eighteen year old brother was left behind in Mexico, though Paúl made sure he didn't have to struggle with anything. He was paying his brother's college tuition while Jóhn was left to focus on his studies. His brother was the only person he had left and he wanted to protect him. "He accidentally cut his finger open."

Like Paúl, Jóhn had an english name that he pronounced in Spanish. Yón. 

The hunter tried to focus on hacking into the security cameras while the girl continued talking about the person she was waiting on, her younger sister. Eventually Paúl stopped listening.

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