[ 33 ] 2013

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[ 33 ] 2013

Once Calum parked his car in the school parking lot, the three went around to the front of the school to walk in. Harley had suggested they enter through the hole in the fence, which Calum often used when he left school grounds during lunch. But Calum said that was too suspicious and that no one would notice if they went past the front door.

The only exit at St. Genevieve's went right past the adminitstration offices. Though it was a small school, the three blended into a group of third year students and got by without trouble. As they waited for the bell to ring, Harley said in a whisper, "Now the only problem will be getting her into home class. My teacher is very strict and he'll never let her stay there with me."

Calum shrugged. "Easy. Why don't the two of you come with me? My home class teacher lets us do whetever we want."

Harley knew about Calum and his home class. They were directly on the other side of the wall from Harley's class and she could hear them everyday talking and laughing, sometimes shouting, and their teacher did nothing about it. They were even once pounding on the wall they shared with Harley's class and her teacher, being as strict as he was, personally went to that classroom to scold them for being so troublesome. They still continued doing as they pleased, but they never banged their fists on the wall again. That home class was known to be the most undisciplined of the five fourth year home classes. That was because most of the populars were put into that group.

When the first bell announced the classes would be starting for the day, they headed for the maths hall, where Calum's home class was located. Harley's class was in the next hall; the history hall, where all the classrooms were used for history classes.

Their teacher was sat at her desk, flipping through a magazine. She was a young asian woman who didn't care to discilpine her home class because it was only a half hour period and she was a math teacher anyway. Letting her students do as they pleased gave her time to do whatever she wanted for a half hour. But when it came to her math students, she wasn't as permissive.

Calum led the girls to the back, where he normally sat. Niall and Andrea normally sat with him, but had informed him they had a lot to do settling into their new home. On the far edge of the classroom was Luke with his popular friends. They were talking to him, but he was too busy on his phone with a goofy smile on his face. No doubt he was talking to Hazel, who was in a different home class.

The blonde haired boy set his cellphone down on the table for a moment and furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity. There was Calum, who was in his home class. But with him were Harley and a new girl he had never seen before. As was his cutsom, he liked to date every new girl that came into their fourth year class. They didn't get many new students at St. Genevieve's, but when they did, Luke always made sure he was the first to get them. He was dating Hazel, who was the new girl, before that he had tried to date Harley, then he had previously dated Alessandra Colton, who later mysteriously moved away, and lastly Kylie who had joined their first year class near the halfway point of the school year.

Leaving his friends to their own conversations, he went over to the four person table where Calum was sitting with the two girls and sat down on the last empty chair, which was next to Phoenix.

"I didn't know we had a new student." Luke said smoothly. Phoenix turned at the sound of his words and her jaw almost dropped at how handsome he was. Back at her high school in Perth, she was of average social standing in the student world, but no popular boys like Luke ever talked to her.

Harley rolled her eyes, she knew what was coming. Calum knew it too, and he wasn't going to keep quiet. "Piss off, Barbie Boy." He said to Luke.

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