[ 8 ] 2013

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[ 8 ] 2013 


"So...getting rid of him would get rid of you."


"Will you leave us, grandmum?" He said to the ghost of Claire Feeney, seemingly bored of the conversation. "We have some things to do."

"Okay sweetie." She said to her grandson with a smile. Looking at Ashton, she added, "Think about my offer, Ashton. I know I made some mistakes...I'm not perfect. But I still care about you and we can spend the rest of eternity together." Her words came out in an attempt to sound sincere, but Ashton saw right through her.

He knew Claire just didn't want to be alone.

The blonde vanished into thin air, leaving Calum and Ashton in the room by themselves. They both immediately continued searching through the books. But there were so many of them and Calum feared their searching would be in vain.





Paúl and Dempsey entered the hospital in a hurry. They didn't know where they were going. But they knew one thing for sure; Kylie was inside and there was a reason why she was at the hospital.

The sixteen year old ran up to the reception desk with her collegue trailing behind her. Tapping on the smooth surface of the desk, she started desperately, "I need you to help me. I'm looking for a boy. He was brought here last night...What was his name?" She muttered the last part. 

When she realized she didn't know the boy's name, Paúl decided to cut in. "Let me handle this." He placed his hand on her reassuringly. Turning to the nurse, who watched the teenagers in confusion, he said, "We're here to see Luke Hemmings."

"Are you family members of the young man?" She asked.

"Well...yes." He lied.

She searched something on her computer and looked up at them. "It says here the boy is in critical condition. No one is allowed to see him right now. But his sister is at the fifth floor waiting room. You're welcome to wait for news of him there."

"Come on, Paul." Dempsey tugged on his arm and led him to the elevator.

The door slid open to reveal a lobby that divided into two hallways; east and west. In the middle was a woman sitting at a desk. In front of her was a stack of papers with the names of the patients on that floor. Dempsey made her way over to her and tapped on the desk to get her attention. "Can you tell us where Luke Hemmings is?" She asked.

The woman said nothing, but she grabbed the stack of papers and sifted through them until she found the one she was looking for. "Luke Hemmings...he's in A3 of the west wing. But he can't have any visitors. You're welcome to stay in the waiting room." She gestured down the west hallway. They both thanked her and went to find the waiting room.

There were two of them. One of them was full of people. Though it was late at night, they waited to hear news of their family members. Cindy wasn't in that room. There was another room, a closed off one that had a sign with the words private room. Since the Hemmings family was wealthy, Dempsey wasn't surprised she would there instead of the place where everyone else waited.

Dempsey opened the door to find Cindy with the Quinns older son Billy.

The two blondes turned in the direction of the door and the boy smiled at his new neighbors. "Dempsey? Paul? What are you doing here?"

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