[ 11 ] 2013

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[ 11 ] 2013 


"You're too nice for your own good. But...I think I can do something to help Barbie Boy."


A girl with strawberry blonde hair strolled into the hospital cafeteria. Despite the fact that there were plenty other empty seats, she sat directly across from the girl in Harley Quinn's body. Immediately, the blonde snarled at the young woman who dared to sit with her, "Do I know you?" Kylie eyed the strawberry blonde appearance of Dempsey with disdain.

"Uh, yeah." Dempsey said, as if it were obvious. "Your name is Harley Quinn."

Kylie stiffened in her seat. She had no way of knowing if this was true or not. She herself knew nothing about Harley Quinn. But since the bright eyed young woman seemed to know her, Kylie decided to play along. "Yes...what was your name again?"

"Aimee Johannsson." Dempsey made a horrid attempt at giving a fake name. From behind Kylie, she saw Paúl approaching them. On his face was an amused smile when she had to give Kylie a fake name.

The nineteen year old hunter reached out to touch Kylie on the shoulder. Dempsey saw how the girl across from her slumped forward, her head falling against the table. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, showing only haunting white eyeballs. As the effect of Paúl's gift took effect on her, she shot her head up, regaining consciousness to find she was in Luke's room at the hospital.

An evil grin spread onto her face when she saw the blonde haired boy lying in a hospital bed unconscious. She didn't know how she got there. All she knew was that she needed to take advantage of the fact that they were alone in the room.





"I died...?" Luke's words came out in a shakey breath.

"I won't let that happen, okay?" She began to make promises she wasn't sure if she could keep. But Harley knew this was happening because Kylie was jealous over nothing. Harley felt like it was her fault all that was happening to Luke. "You're going to live, I promise."

Her hand reached to pat him on the shoulder, but he wanted more from her. His arms sought to wrap her into an embrace. Both were surprised to find that in his flickering image was a connection back to the real world. Harley's hand went right through him like he was made of air. Luke closed his ocean blue eyes and spoke of what he saw. "I see the hospital room. There are doctors running around everywhere, trying to help me."

"You have to wake up." Harley urged. "You have a chance."

"How?" He opened his eyes to look at her. There was fear in them, fear of dying. Fear of the unknown.

She ran a hand through her golden blonde hair in frustration. "I don't know. I don't know. But we have to do something. You can't just die. Its too soon."

The seconds felt like centuries as they passed and Harley didn't know how she could help Luke. She wasn't like Calum. She grew up in a normal family, or so she thought, and she grew up never knowing of her abilities. Calum knew everything there was to know, and anything he didn't know was probably in some book at his grandfather's old house. 

Harley didn't know how, but she needed to help Luke live.





Paúl Medina and Dempsey Johannsson had a hard time getting Kylie back to the car without getting seen by anyone. The soul using Harley Quinn's body was currently in a delusional state of the mind in which she thought she was in the hospital room with Luke, which was her objective. But that was all an illusion created by Paúl. What was real was that they were headed, with her, back to their house where Calum and Ashton would be waiting for them.

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