You have a WHAT?

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Requst: Do one where Clint introduces Peter to his kids and Cooper and Peter become friends.

Uhh, yeah! Peter is 12 years old, and is Tony's biological son. He never knew his mom because his parents broke up when he was a baby because Tony came out to her as gay. Tony goes on to marry Steven Strange.

"Hey Pete." Clint says.

"What's up Uncle Clint?" Peter asks.

"I want to introduce you to my kids."

"You have kids? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?"

"You never asked."

"Do you wanna come over and I'll introduce you to them?"

"Yeah. Sure."


————TIME SKIP————

"This is my house Pete." Clint says. "Cooper is around your age and Lila is a couple years younger."

"Ok." Peter said timidly. They get out of the car, and Peter follows Clint.

"Cooper, this is Peter." Clint says, "Peter, Cooper." Clint introduces. Peter finds himself staring at a boy, slightly taller, with windswept light brown hair and a dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks.

"Cooper, why don't you show Peter your room."

"Okay!" Cooper says cheerfully and leads Peter up the stairs. His bedroom has a blue and green theme, with soccer posters and trophies on the shelves.

"Take a seat." Cooper says, pointing to his desk chair and the grey beanbag in the corner. There was an awkward silence before Cooper said, "So, what do you like to do? Hobbies? Sports?"

"Oh, um, I like to build things, uh, I wanna be an engineer when I'm an adult, um, and I don't really play any sports."

"Really? Not even in school?"

"Well, I go to a science school, so we don't really focus on sports, but really all we do in Phys Ed is run. But sometimes we climb the rope, or do some conditioning. What's your favorite subject?"

"I like PE, but Math is pretty fun too. Sometimes we'll do these fun trivia games, Kahoot? Have you heard of it?"

"How has anyone not heard of Kahoot? It's one of my most favorite things ever! We do them in decathlon sometimes."


"It's kinda like Kahoot except it's not on screens. Like someone calls out a question and you have to tap the bell..." Peter trails off.

"Oh, like trivia smash."

"Yeah, like trivia smash. It's pretty much that but we travel to compete with other teams."

"That's cool. Do you like to prank people?"

"Of course I do! Your dad does too. You must have gotten that from him."

"My dad likes to prank people? Really?"

"Oh yeah, unfortunately, he also along with Bucky and Pops, tend to be the victim. But there was this one time, your dad, Uncle Bucky and I decided to fill up the training room with balloons. We had to blow up so many, but it was worth it to see Uncle Steve's reaction. He usually likes to exercise in the morning, so usually he's a bit tired, so it took him a couple of seconds to realize it. But to make it more funny, we were hiding in the vents, and we jumped down, and started popping all the balloons. It was SO funny. He screamed so loud and he woke up the entire tower. It was amazing."

"That does sound funny. But what's this about vents? Like in Among Us?"

"Kinda. Your dad uses the vents to get around the tower, it's kinda funny." Peter pauses. "You like Among Us?"

"Yeah, who doesn't?"

"Wait, do you have it on your phone?" Peter nodded. "I'll get my iPad." Cooper said and ran out of the room. A couple of seconds later he ran back into the room, holding a green iPad close to his chest.

"The code is ADUFJK." Cooper said.

"Okay." Peter said, typing in the code.

"Hey Pete, time to go!" Clint says, poking his head through the door.

"Aww c'mon Dad! Can we just play this one round of Among Us?"

"No, I'm sorry but Tony really wants you home for dinner." Clint says gesturing to Peter.

"Okay," Peter grumbles, "Bye Cooper!" He says, with much more enthusiasm.

"Bye Peter!"

So, did you like it? Is it what you wanted?


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