Start from the beginning

"We should look for Lee." I said after a minute of being silent. Fred nodded and we began to look at all the compartments for the boy with black-dreadlock hair. There was an empty compartment, so we decided to sit there and wait for everyone to found us instead. Soon enough, the trolley came around our compartment. 

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The lady asked Fred and I. I stood up and walked towards her. 

"Three liquorice wands, five cauldron cakes, five chocolate frogs, and two pumpkin pasties please." I asked her, she gave me what I asked for and I payed the amount. Before I was able to sit down, I was tackled to the ground. I yelped in surprise. 

"Rosie! I missed you!" The voice of Lee sounded near my ear, he was still tackling over me. 

"Lee!" I laughed. "Merlin I missed you too. But please get off!" I pushed him off and his smile grew wider. Fred then came and helped me get up. 

"Are you not gonna help me?" Lee asked Fred, from where he was still on the floor. 

"You are there because of your own personal decisions." Fred responded and sat back down with a grin on his face. 

"So Rose," Lee began once he sat down in front of Fred and I. "Have you seen the Daily Prophet?" Fred and I gave each other a confused glance. 

"Er... no? Where we supposed to?" I asked Lee. 

"Do you know who Harry Potter is?" Lee asked, my blood ran cold for a moment, my eyes shifted to an ice blue colour, and I nodded my head numbly. "Well apparently his dead sister isn't dead." 

"Lee..." Fred said in a warning tone. 

"What?" Lee asked but continued what he was saying. "The Daily Prophet said she opened her vault a few days ago, no one was able to get a picture of her but they were saying she was being accompanied by three more people. They also said that she is at Hogwarts!" 

"Lee," I began, Fred gave me a warning look but I nodded my head. "There is something I need to tell you, but you need to keep it a secret."  

"Rosie, you're scaring me..." Lee told me, eyeing Fred and I with caution. 

"Do you remember when I told you my adoptive parents had discovered the identity of my birth parents?" I asked the boy, he nodded so I continued. "Their names were Lily and James Potter." Lee's mouth was opened and for a minute he looked petrified. 

"Hold your Hippogriffs." He said, putting his hands up. "You are telling me, that you Rose Lightbourn are 'The Rose Potter'?" I nodded slightly and he went quiet. 

"How do you know?" He asked. "I mean, apart from your parents telling you." 

"Dumbledore." I whispered. 

"Bloody hell!" Lee mumbled. For the next thirty minutes, Fred and I explained what we could to Lee about me being a Potter, of course leaving out the part about me being an elementum. Eventually Lee stopped asking questions and I felt asleep with my head on Fred's shoulder.


Rose was sleeping on my shoulder like she usually did when we were on the train, and Lee was talking about quidditch. Surprisingly, he didn't really need much convincing about the whole Rose Potter thing. The compartment door slipped opened and in came George and Annie. 

"Where were you two?" I asked my brother and friend. 

"Looking for you! You and Rose just disappeared!" George said as he took a seat besides Lee and Annie took a seat next to Rose. 

"Is Rose not sleeping well?" Annie asked from where she was examining Rose's features. 

"Why would you ask that?" I wondered and Annie gave me a disbelieving look. 

"Haven't you noticed?" She asked the three of us. She then pointed to Rose's sleeping face. "She's got dark bags under her eyes, and her hair is currently blue." I turned my head to look at her sleeping figure, and sure enough her she had bags under her eyes. 

"I didn't know." I said incredulously. George and Lee were now looking closely to her face. 

"It's probably all the stress about... school." George murmured. I knew he meant the elementum thing, but we weren't about to spill that secret without her consent. 

"Sure, probably." Annie mumbled and took a bite of her pumpkin pastie that Rose had gotten her and were currently lying next to Lee. 


"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! And welcome first years!" Dumbledore spoke. We were currently sitting on the Gryffindor table, listening to Dumbledore's speech. To be honest, I was too hungry to care about it, so I blocked the whole thing out until food pilled itself in front of me. I instantly dug in on the delicious meal. 

"Someone's hungry." Lee murmured from where he sat next to me.  

"You're right I am. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast." I said dramatically. Chatter quickly erupted from the table and every one was talking about their summer contently. 

"So, Rose," Angelina began. "How was your summer? You haven't really said much about it." 

I thought about the answer, of course it had been a good summer but I couldn't help to think back to the first night at my parent's house. 

"She stayed with us during the summer." George declared, sensing the discomfort I was currently feeling. 

"You stayed with the Weasleys all summer? What about your own parents?" Angelina asked me with pure confusion. 

"They were away on a business trip most of the summer, so the twins offered me to stayed with them." I lied through gritted teeth. Angelina nodded in understanding and the twins gave me a sympathetic smile to which I stuck my tongue at. I hated sympathy. 

"I know your secret..." A voice whispered on my right ear. I turned to the voice and saw Amara Morgenstern. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said swiftly. 

"Sure you don't... Potter." She whispered, the sarcasm thick on her voice. My breath caught on my throat and my palms began to sweat. 

"Shut your mouth." I growled, my eyes flashing blood red. 

"Don't worry, Potter, I like you enough to keep your secret." She said smugly. I turned to look at her in confusion. 

"You hate me, Amara, why would you keep my secret?" 

"Don't be so thick, Rose. I hated you when you were a muggleborn, now you belong to a powerful and respected family. I respect your last name, just don't step over the line." With that, the girl stood up and left the table. 

"Why was Morgenstern talking to you?" Fred asked me once Amara was out of earshot. 

"Nothing, Fred..." I mumbled. "Nothing at all."  

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now