"It's okay dad. I didn't mind it, really," I said as I pushed myself out of my chair and made my way around his desk, "It was relaxing. But I promise you I can protect myself and others. I won't lose you either. We are all we have left." As I squatted down next to him. 

"I wish your mother was around to see the bright, young woman you are becoming," He said as he placed his hands over mine.

"You miss her?" I asked.

"Dearly," He said with a tear forming in his eye. 

"We will see her again someday and she will be proud of the both of us," I smiled. 

"No run along, I am sure your friends want to hear the news about Harry," He said. Before I left I gave my father a kiss on his cheek. Leaving him alone in his study alone. 


Later that night, when Harry arrived, Fred, George, Ginny, and I were all chilling in the library room when we hear Harry's yelling mixed with his dulcet tones. I looked over at Ginny whose cheeks flushed red as I closed the book that was in my hands. We had been helping Fred and George come up with ideas for sweets and snacks in their shops. 

Fred and George stopped what they were doing and quickly apparated out of the library. Leaving Ginny and me alone. They must have gone into Ron's room because a few moments after they were gone. Harry's yelling had died down.

"Thank's boys," I sighed under my breath. Leaving Ginny and me to pick up the books they left lying around. I grabbed the books around me and set them on the table before heading towards the door. I turned around hoping to see Ginny behind me but she was still picking up all the books on the floor.

"Ginny, why on earth are you taking so slow?" I complained as I stood in the doorway waiting for her to be done. She was pacing back and forth in the library. Picking up everything. Books that we had been reading and ones I had pulled out to get ahead for the school year.

"I can't let Harry see me like this. I look horrendous," She replied as she stacked the books on top of each other.

"Jeez, Ginny. You look fine to me," I sighed as I rolled my eyes at her comment. I swear she only worried about her appearance when Harry was around. As she walked past me I grabbed her forearm and stopped her from walking anywhere else. I spun her around and pulled the hair back from her face. Tieing it into the ponytail I had around my wrist. Once I was done I spun her back around to face me and pulled a few loose strands out. 

"There now you look perfect," I said dropping my arms to my side. Ginny rolled her eyes and we took off down the steps. We quickly found everyone leaning over the railing of the stairs listening to the meeting taking place downstairs.

"Hi, Ginny," Harry said as Ginny could barely form any words. The twins and I watched as she eyed him and simply waved.

"Hey little cousin," I said as I placed myself between Ginny and George.

"Hi, Daisy," Harry said as I nudged George who was holding onto the line for the Extendable Ear.

"You know in a way this is wrong," I whispered. I felt both of their eyes fall on me. 

"Shut it Daisy," Fred said as he checked the sound on the ear as I looked up at him.

"We expect it from Hermione but not you," George whispered in my ear. His soft tone of voice sending shivers down my spine as I slowly drew my eyes over towards him. He was already looking back down on the ground as we could hear the conversation down below clearly. My eyes studying the side of Georges's face as I felt Ginny pinch my arm. I sharply turned my head towards her and she gave me a wide-eyed gaze.

solemnly mine ▫️ g.f.wWhere stories live. Discover now