The seat next to me what empty just for a moment before it was filled by a red-headed boy. I looked over and saw George settling into his seat as I let out a loud yawn.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him quietly as covered my mouth. Watching him as he pulled his robe off of him.

"Someone seems tired," He said as he shook my shoulder. My eyes popping open as his hand still touched my shoulder.

"Yup late studying with Marie,"  I said as I shrugged my shoulders up to push him off of me.

"And yet it seems like only one of you could make it to breakfast," He said sternly.

"Sorry," I apologized as I batted my eyes at him.

"I brought you a muffin," He smiled as he held it out towards me. My stomach growling for food as I hadn't had anything to eat in 2 days.

"Thanks," I said as I took the muffin out of his hands. I set it down next to my quill and turned back towards him.

"Back to my question. What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would take Art this year."

"Really?" I asked, "Why is that?"

"Well, Fred and I need to come up with some designs for our products that we are going to sell."

"Is that the only reason?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out," He smiled at me as we both had stopped listening to our professor.

Later that night at dinner, we all sat around as everyone filed in. George was conversing with Fred about the products he had drawn in art class earlier. Fred was overwhelmed with the ideas and loved that his brother was coming up with designs. I watched the two intensely as I felt my heart become warm.

Halfway through dinner is when everything changed. I saw Bryce walk in. Marie and I looked over at each other as the smile had disappeared from my face. The twins noticed and looked over to see him walking towards the Slytherin table as his eyes never left where I was sitting. I hung my head so I was staring straight at my plate. Watching my food become disgusting in my mind. Feeling a knot begin to twist in my stomach as I wanted to run to the bathroom and throw up.

"I didn't know Bryce was back," Fred said as I pushed my food around on my plate.

"I thought he transferred," George replied as lifted my eyes to see him sit down with his buddies.

"He was supposed to. Drumstrang didn't want him," I said as I set my fork down. Officially being done eating.

"So, then aren't you two back together?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, I thought you two broke up because he was going to be in Russia and you couldn't make things work," Fred said while my arms crossed over each other.

"There are other reasons why we broke up as well. Not just because he was going to Drumstrang," I hushed as I saw him look over at me.

"Well, do tell us more," Fred said eagerly. I looked over at Marie knowing that this was not a dinner conversation topic.

"It's rather silly," I scoffed hoping they wouldn't ask questions, "If you'll excuse me I think I am going to head to bed now." I pushed myself off the table and swung my legs out to the other side.

As I walked away I held my stomach. Clenching it as I was in pain. I could feel the panic in my body rise up as I looked back and saw him watching my every move. I safely made it out in the hallway and out into the courtyard to catch my breath as it felt like I could no longer breathe. I remember this feeling.

The feeling of drowning in my thought and emotions and no matter how hard I tried to swim to the top to breathe in the fresh air. I felt myself sinking deeper down into the stormy waters. Tied down by a cinder block that was the shape of him.

As I stood in the middle of the courtyard gasping for air, I looked out to the moon and noticed it's bright colors.

"Miss Black," I heard a woman's voice say from behind me. I spun on my heels turning around to see Professor McGonagall standing a few feet away from me. I took in a sharp breath as my face was frozen with panic.

"Is everything alright?" She asked from a distance. I didn't say anything. I kind of just stood there as I wrapped my arms around myself again. Feeling the tears pool in my eyes as I wanted to just go home at this point. Forget graduating and working for the Ministry or finding a job in my world.

"Would you like to go talk over a cup of tea?" She asked, "In my office, of course, where you can talk to me privately."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall," I stammered.

"Lovely," She cheered, "Follow me this way." She turned around quickly as I followed her through the halls. Her office was right between her Transfiguration classroom and the common rooms for Gryffindor. I guess she really way close.

She held the door open for me as I walked in. Taking in the dark ambiance. A fire gently roaring the corner as she closed the door. A tall bookshelf filled with book after book. Over at her desk, her quill bewitched into writing on a piece of parchment. I watched out of the corner of my eye go over to the fireplace and throw another log on before grabbing teacups and the kettle.

"Come sit," She gestured as she pointed towards the chair in front of her. I slowly made my way and sat down in the tall, velvet black armchair. She finished pouring the tea and handed me a cup. I gave her a soft smile as she passed it off.

"I received a letter from your father for a few days. He mentioned your situation," She said as she sat down opposite to me, "If things do get tough. I want you to know that my office is a safe space for you. I want you to know that."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," I hushed.

"In here Minerva or Minnie. I won't pressure you to talk about it. But it might be a good idea to start somewhere. From my understanding, you have told your father and your fellow Gryffindor friend Marie Smithers. If you would like, I would like to meet you on a weekly basis to talk. It will be just between us, it is up to you?"

I sat there for a while thinking. Debating on what I could do.

"I think I would like that," I said as I took a sip of my tea. I didn't know if this was going to end up being a good idea or a bad idea. But at least I would have someone to talk to. Other than Marie. And I wouldn't have to face the boys about this quite yet.

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