"You ready?" George asked as I got to the bottom step.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said as I walked over towards him. Dropping my hands to my side.

"Wonderful," He said as he held out his hand towards me. I looked up at him and smiled as I rolled my eyes. 

"You are going to get me in trouble, aren't you?" I asked.

"I guess we will have to find out," He said as he gestured towards his hand, wanting me to take it. I placed my hand in his and we were off. Well, there went my sleep. 

George led me to the courtyard where the snow laid untouched. George took a few steps in front of me as he dragged me out to the middle with him. Both of us beginning to dance in the midst of the snowfall. Laughing with each other as the snow fell to the ground. Piling it up higher and higher. 

After a while I found myself admiring the snowfall. Watching it fall from the sky above and find it home on the ground as silence took over my brain. Making me feel at peace. As I took in a deep breath I felt my back get him with a snowball. I quickly turned around with my mouth dropped open as I saw George giggling behind me. 

"Oh, it is so on Weasley," I taunted at him as I bent down to grab the snow beneath me. Packing it in my hands and I made a few snowballs as he continued to pelt me with snow.

Our laughter quickly filling the quiet courtyard as we hit each other with snowballs. My feet completely soaked as I ran after George. Throwing snowball after snowball, trying to get him. Hiding behind statues and little mountains of snow as George threw snow at me. Losing my hat in the process.

After a while, I lost George for a while as he decided to hide behind one of the statues. I came walking around the corner with a snowball in hand. Ready to fight him again. After I was around the corner I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I let out a small squeal as I felt my head become soaked as my feet were lifted off the ground. My arms snaking over Georges as my back was pressed into his chest. Feeling him laugh on the back of my neck. After a few moments, George placed my feet back on the ground as I spun around to face him. 

"You are so mean Georgie,"

"I would never be mean to you," He said as he looked down at me. The snow still falling all around us as it landed in his hair. His eyes looking into mine as his hands lingered on my waist. Slipping them towards my lower back as he pulled me closer to him.

"George there is something I need to tell you," I said as I placed my hands on his chest. Letting out a small sigh as I was about to tell him. Wanting to tell him as I felt safe in his arms. Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak again, I heard the voice no Hogwarts student wants to hear.

"My office," Umbridge's voice said as George and I's gaze shot her way, "Now." As she turned around. George dropped his hands from my waist and we quickly followed behind her. George just a few steps in front of me with his stupid long legs as Umbridge's heels boomed throughout the halls up to her office. 

Once George and I were inside her office she slammed the door closed causing me to jump as she walked over behind her desk. George and I standing side by side.

"Out of your dorm. Pass curfew. Acting inappropriately," She said as he sat down in her desk chair.

"Sorry, Professor Umbridge. It was all my fault, not Daisy's," George said in my defense.

"Does not matter Mr. Weasley. Both you and Miss Black were seen out pass curfew, outside of your dorms. I am afraid that I will have to punish you," She said as he looked at the both of us, "Detention tomorrow night. You will polish the trophies. Understand?"

"Yes Professor Umbridge," George and I said as we hung our heads.

"Excellent," She said as she clasped her hands together, "Now, off to bed you two."

George and I didn't think twice about that. George grabbed my hand and we took off out of her office and back to the. dorm for the night.


That following day George and I had to serve detention. In all honesty it could have been worse. I think we were the lucky ones who didn't have to go sit in her office and write with a quill that carved the words into our flesh. 

We had just finished up dinner when the two of us had to split off from the crew and headed down to the trophy room. Both of us giggling on the way as George mocked Umbridge. When we arrived in the trophy room Filch was waiting for us and his evil cat. I swear that thing has eyes on the back of its head.

"I'll be back in 3 hours," He said as he handed us our towels to polish and then walked away. His creepy little cat staring at us as she walked away. George starring at the doorway as I looked at all the trophies. It was going to be a long night. 

"Alright Mr. Trouble," I said as I smacked him with my towel, "Let's get started."

After what felt like hours we had each cleaned and polished about 40 trophies total. With plenty more to go.

"You know, I still can't believe you got me in trouble," I said as I sat on the floor polishing more trophies. George stood off to my side as he was polishing smaller trophies.

"You could have stayed asleep, you know?" He said as he scrubbed harder.

"And miss out hanging out with my best friend? Never," I said as I looked up at him. Noticing how concentrated he was on polishing the trophy in his hand. His tongue sticking out of his mouth a little as he scrubbed harder. Making me chuckle a little.

"Shouldn't you be a quidditch practice?" I asked as shot his head over in my direction.

"You're right I should but I am here. Stuck with you," He groaned as put the trophy back in its rightful place.

"And you love it," I said as walked over to me and sat down next to me. 

"You're right," He said as he grabbed another trophy and began to polish it, "So what did you want to talk to me about last night?"

"Oh," I said as I check the trophy for anymore markings I needed to clean, "Nothing. It was just something silly."

"Well, I am always up for silly."

"I know Georgie," I scoffed as I looked at him, "Maybe it will come back to me and I can tell you another time."

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