Don't Think I Won't Disobey That Order Though...

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2nd Person POV

It's been a day since Operation Extinguish, and while none of the involved said a word about it, for they were forbidden from doing so, the word still spread through Vale, since such a large scale operation would be difficult to keep hidden.

We see team RWBYY, minus you, in the team's dorm.

Ruby: "AHHH! Why couldn't we help with whatever they were doing yesterday?!" she asks frustrated sitting on her bed kicking her legs in front of her.

Weiss: "Ruby would you stop that! You might hit my head!" she complains, dodging her leader's feet.

Instantly stopping, Ruby looks down at Weiss sheepishly.

Ruby: "Sorry..." she apologises to which Weiss simply shoots her an annoyed look.

Weiss: "It's fine. Anyways, why do you think we weren't allowed to participate yesterday?" she asks, almost rhetorically.

Ruby: "Well... I mean we ARE only first years, and we DID mess up with Roman Torchwick a few weeks ago..." she responds a little down cast.

Weiss: "Exactly. It probably would've been too dangerous for us anyway..." she adds suppressing a sigh.

Yang: "Well for us 4 definitely, not sure about our local Assassin though" she speaks up, pointing to your empty and still made bed.

Ruby: "Yeah. (y/n) definitely has something to do with this!" she peaks up, while everyone looks at your bed.

Weiss: "I wonder what's going on behind the scenes..." she mutters, though everyone hears her, as silence takes over...


Elsewhere, underneath Beacon we see a gathering of 3 people, standing in front of a container, staring at the young woman inside of it.

Elsewhere, underneath Beacon we see a gathering of 3 people, standing in front of a container, staring at the young woman inside of it

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Said people are Ozpin, Glynda and James.

James: "Are you sure you saw her move?" he asks doubtfully, looking at Glynda who glares at him.

Glynda: "I am 100 percent sure that I saw Amber move, James" she answers sharply, to which the General nods at her, before looking at the woman, now known as Amber, again.

Ozpin: "We believe you Glynda, but I find it strange as to why she would wake up now..." he says going into thoughts. "As far as we know the person who stole Amber's power hasn't been killed... Unless!" he continues before his eyes widen slightly.

James: "What is it Ozpin?" he asks curiously.

Ozpin: "Perhaps one of Cind—" he begins, but a groaning grabs their attention and all of them look at Amber, who once again stirs this time her eyes flickering open. "Open it now!" he orders but Glynda's already a step ahead, as she's at the console pressing a few buttons.

Moments later the life support pod opens up with a hiss, a few seconds later Amber slowly and weakly sits up, holding her left eye with her left hand.

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