A Year To Be Exact...

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2nd Person POV

The scene starts with you, Weiss and Ruby in the hall where tomorrows dance will take place.

Ruby looks glum, staring off into the distance resting her head on her hand, when suddenly Weiss slams her hands on the table, startling Ruby.

Weiss: "Which one of these do you like more?" she asks with a smile, sliding over two tablecloths, both have a similar, almost identical shade of white... ok they absolutely look the same to be honest.

Ruby looks at them confused.

Ruby: "Errr, aren't they both the same?" she responds unsure, to which Weiss sighs.

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked you!" she says exasperated rolling her eyes annoyed, before turning to you, a few metres away. "(y/n), would you please come over here?" she wonders with a friendly tone, catching your attention.

Looking at Weiss you nod before walking over, as Ruby's eyes focus on the big plaster on your cheek, a bitter expression on her face now.

(y/n): "Yes...? What can I do for you Weiss...?" you respond, now in front of the heiress.

Weiss: "I want you to pick the tablecloth you like best" she answers, presenting you the two tablecloths she just showed Ruby.

(y/n): "Hmm... aren't they both the same?" you ask tilting your head, to which Weiss shakes her head.

Weiss: "No one can be perfect I suppose" she mutters, before smiling at you. "They aren't, but thanks for your opinion!" she thanks sincerely, making Ruby look at her.

Ruby: "What?! Why are you mellow to him? Completely different reaction to me!" she asks childishly.

Weiss gives her a pointed look, before ignoring her, placing a hand on your plastered cheek.

Weiss: "You should be able to take that off later" she tells you warmly, meanwhile Ruby pouts in the background at this unfairness. "It'll probably leave a scar, but then I'm not the only one with a scar on the face" she adds jokingly, yet seriously, running her free hand over her scar.

The injury was pretty deep, and your aura did little to quicken the healing process, so Weiss took it upon herself to make sure it stays clean, and doesn't infect.

(y/n): "Alright..." you respond, smiling softly, before Weiss retracts her arm, walking away continuing to prepare the dance. "(I have so many already... what's one more...)" you think, now frowning slightly.

Ruby: "That's so unfair!" she complains, upper body now lying on the table, as you look at your leader confused.

(y/n): "What is unfair...?" you ask her.

Before Ruby can speak, Yang, who's carrying a massive sound system on her shoulder, appears, making Ruby and the table bounce.

Seconds later Yang places said sound system down, causing Ruby and her moping table to bounce once again.

Yang: "What's gotten you depressed little sis?" she asks casually, brushing her hands.

Ruby: "Weiss is being nice to (y/n) and not to me" she whines, causing Yang to roll her eyes.

Yang: "Nothing new then" she mutters uncaringly. "Anyway, have you picked a dress for the dance already?" she asks her sister.

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if (y/n) isn't going?" she responds, shooting you puppy dog eyes, which you promptly ignore.

Yang: "Well, we can't exactly force him now, can we?" she answers with a sad sigh before she turns her gaze from Ruby to Weiss. "HEY WEISS!! I thought we agreed! No dollies" she calls out as the heiress walks over.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now