Truth or Dare...? Nya...

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2nd Person POV

It is...


You feel a sense of accomplishment as you look at the strawberry chocolate cookies you baked... three trays worth.

1 tray for Ruby, normal shaped and sized, the second one for you, with smaller cookies so you can store them easily in your/Kurome's sweet bag.

The third tray is for anyone.

You pick up a cookie and slowly eat it, when suddenly you have stars in your eyes... you smile happily, at the taste of it, savouring it with your taste buds.

(y/n): "Perfect!" you say to yourself, before you put Ruby's cookies neatly on a plate. You leave them on the counter and enter the dorm, where you see your team laze around. "Ruby... would you please come in the kitchen?" you ask your leader who nods a few times, eagerly, as she smells the cookies from miles away.

Jumping down from her bed, she skips over to you.

(y/n): "I... want to give you a present for... being a great team leader so far..." you tell her, as you show her the cookie filled plate, and Ruby has hearts in her eyes, drooling.

Ruby: "OHMYGOSH!!! THEYLOOKDELICIOUS!!!" she squeals happily, using her semblance as she appears in front of the plate. "Can... I eat them?" she asks, looking at you

(y/n): "Of course... I made them for you..." you respond, and with a shaking hand, Ruby picks up the first cookie, looking at it from all sides before biting into it.

Chewing on it you see tears in her eyes, a nostalgic mood taking over her.

(y/n): "Are... you ok, you're crying?" you ask worried, and Ruby puts the cookie down, swallowing, before looking at you.

Ruby: "Yeah, they just taste so good, I wanna eat them all straight away, but then I wouldn't have any for later!" she responds, as the tears don't stop. "And... well the main reason for me crying is... they remind me of the cookies my mom used to bake... since you know, well you don't know but I'll tell you, she died when I was younger..." she suddenly says. You smile compassionately at her. "I... don't remember her THAT well, since I was very young when she died, but I know she was a great mom, and she did bake the best cookies... it just took me back a little... sorry if I worried you" she explains, smiling brightly despite the tears. With a gentle smile you pat her head.

(y/n): "I'm pretty sure... she'd be proud of you..." you say, and Ruby suddenly hugs you, nodding into your chest.

You return the hug and sometime later you end it, as Ruby's eyes look rather puffy now.

Ruby: "I hope so... anyway, enough of that! I have cookies to eat! You want some?" she asks cheerfully, offering a cookie, but you shake your head.

(y/n): "No, I made some for myself..." you answer, showing your sweet bag, and Ruby nods, before she sits down, eating cookies happily.

You walk up to the fridge and pour Ruby a glass of milk, before sitting down next to her.

With a full mouth Ruby nods thankfully, as you start eating some of your own too, a peaceful atmosphere taking over.

Ruby: "So... I like to bake too, maybe we could bake something together?" she asks innocently.

(y/n): "Of course..." you respond simply, a happy Ruby nods as you fall into thoughts.

(y/n): "(Parents, huh? Funny... how easily at times they... can shape a child's life...)" you think bitterly, remembering how you and Kurome were sold by your parents as slaves. "(I hope... they're rotting in hell...)" you continue darkly.

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