Ms Goodwitch... I love you...

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2nd Person POV

You're currently in the cafeteria, sitting at a table with your team, with team JNPR a table behind, deeply in thought.

Your morning wasn't all that eventful, except for another 'attack' after you woke up. Luckily, you're usually the first to wake up from your team, so no one noticed.

(y/n): "(I wonder... why Neo seemed so shocked... when Ruby told her that we... stopped Roman Torchwick... she did try to hide it... that's why Ruby didn't notice but... maybe Neo was surprised that... we stopped the 'legendary' Torchwick?... Perhaps... It's not that important... anyway... I think... Maybe I'll ask her... when I see her again...)" you, well, think, a weird feeling in your stomach, you push it down and shake your head, snapping out of it, focusing on the present.

Out of nowhere, Yang leans slightly over the table, looking at you.

Yang: "What cha doin'" she asks, obviously bored.

(y/n): "Ready to... eat my short cake..." you answer, before your eyes widen slightly. "I won't share!" you quickly add, wrapping your arms protectively around said short cake.

Yang: "Boring" she responds, sitting back down, as you glare at her before looking at the delicious strawberry short cake in front of you.

You baked it this morning, having been looking forward to eating it, all day. Picking up your fork you're ready to consume it, when suddenly...

A slamming on the table, catches everyones attention, all eyes on Ruby, who clears her throat.

You see a binder in her possession, which has 'Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee' written on it. Said text however is crossed out by a red marker, and it has a new title, 'Best Day Ever Activities!' written in Ruby's terrible handwriting.

Ruby: "Sisters... friends... Bestie... Weiss..." she begins dramatically.

Weiss: "HEY!" she complains.

(y/n): "(Maybe... I should call her bestie too. She... calls me that a lot... it might... make her happy...)" you think, looking at Ms Red Riding Hood.

Ruby: "Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream!" she continues.

Yang: "This ought to be good" she says, before catching a grape with her mouth. Slightly confused you turn around and see Nora flicking grapes at Yang with a spoon.

Ruby: "A dream that one day the five of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone ever had... EVER!!" she ends motivated.

Weiss: "Did you steal my binder?" she asks with crossed arm, clearly unimpressed.

(y/n): "I'm pretty sure... she stole your binder..." you say, stoically.

Ruby: "I'm no crook!" she responds doing double peace with her hands, smiling. "How dare you accuse me!" she adds jokingly, as Weiss still has a stern expression on her face.

You do have a small smile though.

Blake: "What exactly are you talking about?" she inquires, putting down her book.

Ruby: "I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" she answers excitedly, pointing a finger at Blake, who, just like Weiss, is clearly unimpressed.

Yang: "I always kick my semesters off with a YANG! Eh? Guys? Am I right?" she says proud with herself, while the others groan, as you shoot Yang another glare.

Nora: "BOOOOOOOOO" she yells tossing an apple, which hits Yang straight in the face, causing said blonde to glare at the ginger.

Ruby: "Yang... why are you like this? Anyway! Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today!" she announces smiling, obviously hyped.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu