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2nd Person POV

The scene begins with a close-up view of your darkened face, eyes closed.

(y/n): "(Waiting...)" you think stoically as we zoom out, revealing that you're currently standing on a metal bar balancing, with lights shining from underneath you. "(Is not my favourite activity...)" you continue your trail of thoughts, not necessarily impatient, opening your red eyes a cold look in them.

You look down from above, seeing Roman standing in the middle of the building you're in.

(y/n): "(How... did it come to this again?)" you wonder exhaling silently, remembering.



You're currently in your dorm sitting on your bed, deeply in thought, looking at a sheathed Murasame.

Ruby: "Hey, (y/n)" she suddenly calls out, snapping you out of it as you turn to her.

(y/n): "Yes, Ruby?" you wonder stoically, to which your team leader sighs relieved.

Ruby: "Good, you're back to normal again" she mutters, you raise an eyebrow at her, before you lower it again.

(y/n): "(Oh... right, I was very distant to her yesterday...)" you realise, not feeling guilty however, for your reason was justifiable. "I hope you had a great time at the dance yesterday" you mention with a small smile.

Yang: "Oh yeah, it was awesome!" she responds walking up, next to Ruby. "Man, you missed the funniest thing though" she continues, and you tilt your head confused.

(y/n): "Which was?" you question.

Yang: "Well, we had like a group dance, REALLY coordinated now that I think about it... I wonder how we managed that. ANYWAYS! And Jaune showed up dancing in a dress" she answers with a grin, supressing a laugh.

Weiss: "Urgh, please don't remind me, I might have to bleach my eyes, again that is!" she adds her two cents, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Ruby: "C'mon Weiss, it wasn't... THAT horrible to look at" she tells Weiss, who rolls her eyes.

(y/n): "So Pyrrha... didn't have a date..." you mutter, to which the three girls look at you confused.

Yang: "How'd you know that?"

(y/n): "Jaune said a few days ago that... if Pyrrha had no date for the dance, he'd go wearing a dress... he just couldn't fathom that Pyrrha wouldn't have a date..." you reveal with a soft smile.

Ruby: "I mean, it IS weird that Pyrrha didn't have a date, she's like SO pretty and her personality is wonderful too" she praises the Spartan, receiving nods from Weiss, Yang and you.

Yang: "Indeed Sis. Anyways, going back to Jaune" she begins looking at Weiss. "Didn't you and Mr. Casanova talk the other day? Quite long actually" she points out curiously, peaking Ruby's interest too.

Weiss: "We did, and once again he confessed his feelings to me and asked me out to the dance, I wanted to shoot him down instantly as usual, but he was so... serious. So, I listened. Honestly, I must admit it was cute, but honestly? I don't love him, so I rejected him. He took it like a champ actually, though I could tell it still hurt him. We actually talked it out afterwards, and we're going to stay friends, since he is a nice guy" she answers calmly, to which the sisters nod in awe.

(y/n): "(He took my advice...)" you note a soft smile still on your lips.

Ruby: "Awwww, so mature and cool!" she sings wrapping her arms around Weiss with a huge grin.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now