Bunny Ears and Fist Hits

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2nd Person POV

It's been a day since the teams were formed, and today are their first classes. In Team RWBYY's dorm we see Weiss sleeping on her bed, wearing her white sleep wear.

Suddenly, Ruby blows a whistle right next to the heiress' ear, causing her to jump up in fright, falling off her bed, right onto the wooden floor.

Ruby: "GOOD MORNING TEAM RWBYY!!!" she yells enthusiastically, wearing the Beacon uniform.

Weiss: "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??" she asks screaming, from the floor, as Ruby grins happily.

Behind Ruby we see Yang, Blake and you, the former two wearing their Beacon uniform, while you wear your normal combat clothes, Murasame on the left side of your hip.

Ruby: "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business!" she exclaims, as Weiss gets up, brushing herself off.

Weiss: "Excuse me, but what is even going on?" she wonders confused and annoyed.

Yang: "Decorating!" she responds, holding up a couple of objects, pillows, pamphlets, a candleholder, with her arms.

Weiss: "WHAT!?"

Blake: "We still have to unpack" she informs, holding up her suitcase, which opens, spilling all the contents. "And clean..." she adds.

Weiss: "You woke me up like that... so we can decorate? I... am speechless..." she mutters, unhappily.

You silently begin to look around the room, since you didn't have a good look at it yesterday. It's large, large enough to house 5 people, it has a bathroom, and it has a kitchen too. Leaving the group, you enter the kitchen and look around, awestruck, happy to have such equipment to cook with.

Suddenly, you hear Ruby blow the whistle again, so you go back to the four girls, and join them.

Ruby: "GOOD! Now that (y/n) is back, we can begin! Weiss, Blake, (y/n), Yang and their fearless leader Ruby, have... BEGUN THEIR FIRST MISSION!!!" she announces, raising her left fist into the air. "BANZAI!" she cheers.

Yang-Blake-(y/n): "BANZAI/Banzai..." the three of you repeat, though Yang's a lot more enthusiastic than Blake and you.

Time speeds up, as the team begins to decorate the room, posters or pictures are hung up, books are sorted into the bookshelf, a certain 'Ninjas of Love' book, hidden away.

Luckily you don't have all too much baggage, only some clothes, toiletries, a wooden nightstand, a cleaning set for Murasame and a few books.

Now gathered, the 5 members of team RWBYY look at the room, and it's...

(y/n): "How did we manage that?" you ask tilting your head.

You all look at a mountain consisting of 5 beds.

Weiss: "I may be pointing out the obvious here but... this isn't gonna work!" she points out the obvious, as you nod.

Blake: "Yeah, it is a little cramped, even with the bigger room we were given for being a 5-man team" she adds.

Yang: "Hmmmm, maybe we should ditch some of our stuff?" she suggests, but everyone, even Yang herself, shakes their head at the idea.

Ruby: "OHHHH! I've got an idea, how about we make.... Drumroll please.... BUNKBEDS!!!" she asks, excitedly, as the rest of her team begin thinking.

Weiss: "That sounds extremely dangerous and unsafe, what if they collapse?"

Yang: "Mayyyyyyyyybe... BUT, Weiss, you can't deny it does sounds super awesome though!" she says to the heiress.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now