The Curse Of Kin Slayer Will Never Leave You!!!

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2nd Person POV

We begin the scene with Roman pointing at Jaune, who had just asked a question.

Roman: "A valid question! A question I could of course answer" he begins, pausing momentarily. "However, I think it's better to just show you what I mean" he continues with a grin, to which Jaune nods unsure, while most of the class also stares at him quizzingly.

Roman: "Now then, let me introduce you to... Atlas technology!" he adds while pressing a button on his scroll, his lips curling up even more.

The arena of the combat room you and your class are in opens, just like the Colosseum during the Vytal Festival, revealing a glass dome and a plain white floor.

Weiss: "A training simulator?" she mutters under her breath, while you stare at it confused.

(y/n): "How did he... do that...?" you ask Neo in a hushed tone.

Neo: "I haven't a single clue!" she answers quickly , also confused.

Roman proceeds to press a few more times on his scroll. In response the glass dome projects a building inside of it, as the students look at it in awe.

Roman: "You have probably heard of them, BUT... This my students, is a training simulator. One Atlas uses for their students and their military to simulate real and life-threatening situations and prepare them for it, or to fight in different environments" he explains with his arms wide. "It's also what we'll be learning in this class, realistic combat in realistic environments" he continues.

Roman: "Atlas may be full of shit people, full offense Snow White, but their technology for sure is helpful" he mentions with a shit eating grin.

Weiss: "Rude!" she huffs annoyed. "Not EVERYONE is bad there" she whispers in a slightly sad tone.

Noting your sad teammate, you and Ruby share a short eye-contact before gently bumping shoulders with Weiss.

Weiss blushes at this sudden physical contact, but keeps her mouth shut, lips curled up at the kind gesture.

Roman: "Pyrrha" he calls out.

Pyrrha: "Y-Yes Sir?" she responds surprised.

Roman: "I want you to change into your combat gear, and enter the arena" he orders casually, to which the Spartan gets up.

Pyrrha: "Of course, Professor" she answers, making her way to said changing rooms.


A short while later we see Pyrrha leave the changing rooms, stepping into the arena ready to fight. She has a confused expression on her face when she sees that she's the only one in said arena.

Roman: "Ah, good. Now that Pyrrha is ready let me explain the situation" he begins, everyone looking at him. "Situation is following, Pyrrha is a huntress who received a hint from an anonymous source that there's a criminal hiding in one of the buildings on the outskirts. Other than the fact that Pyrrha knows someone is there she's got no information. So no, she won't know who she'll be fighting against while her opponent will know. A bit unfair but the Pyrrha Nikos should have no problem with the odds stacked against her, no?" he explains and asks casually looking directly at the red-haired Spartan.

Pyrrha: "No, of course not!" she answers determined, the shadow of confusion gone.

Roman: "Fantastic. Now then, would you be so kind and take a few steps back?" he asks her, to which Pyrrha obliges walking towards the edge of the arena.

In response Roman presses a few buttons on his scroll, and suddenly a building begins to materialise again inside the simulation dome. It takes a few more seconds to fully appear, everyone's even more impressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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