So Something Like That Won't Happen Again

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2nd Person POV

Roman looks at the class in front of him with a grin, to a certain degree expecting enthusiasm, but instead he receives awkward silence, except for Neo who smiles, clapping excitedly with you too, just stoically, receiving weird looks from the other students.

The former Crime King gives the two of you an appreciating nod before his grin turns into an annoyed expression.

Roman: "Are you lot serious?" he wonders unamused. "Good Lord, fine, I suppose there are other questions we should go over before we can start this lesson" he says with a sigh, sitting down on the desk. "Well then, fire away, I'm sure you are just brimming with questions" he orders sarcastically.

Hesitantly yet bravely a single hand begins to rise, and Roman looks at them.

Roman: "Take your shot, tomato head" he calls out Pyrrha, who is a little confused that he doesn't recognise her, since you know she's Pyrrha Nikos, and slightly offended by the nickname.

Pyrrha: "(Tomato Head? I do NOT have a tomato head... do I?)" she thinks unsure. "How come... you are our teacher, Mr. Torchwick?" she asks hesitantly, yet respectfully, since she's you know, Pyrrha.

Roman: "The answer is simple..." he begins, before looking over a few papers.

Pyrrha: "Pyrrha Nikos... that's my name" she interrupts awkwardly, to which Roman tears his look back to her.

Roman: "The answer is simple Pyrrha, your headmaster offered me a job as your teacher. Of course, there's more behind it than that, but it's honestly none of your concern" he answers, to which Pyrrha nods, not entirely satisfied with the answer. "Anyone else?" he wonders scanning the classroom, as another hand rises. "Yes" he simply says.

Weiss: "I think what Pyrrha means is... why do we have this Criminology lesson, and why is a criminal our teacher?" she asks with a cold tone, glaring at Roman who smirks in return.

Roman: "I'm well aware of that fact but thank you for not beating around the bush" he praises not even being sarcastic, stepping away from his desk. "Now, Ice-Queen" he begins, receiving a scowl from said Ice-Queen. "The reason for this class IS to teach you lot about criminals, what they do, how they act, how they think, and what to do against them, since you probably have barely a clue how to fight against beings other than Grimm. And who's the best at teaching those things? Perhaps a former Crime King, who has been out of the business for like 4 days?" he asks rhetorically. "I think the answer is clear" he adds glancing over the class.

A few moments of silence follow, before whispers break out, as Roman has a point.

Roman: "Was that all?" he wonders with a smug expression, as Weiss shakes slightly in anger.

Weiss: "Yes Mr. Torchwick, that was all" she spits out, trying to be respectful.

Roman: "Good. I'd say we've had enough questions. Let's get this lesson started" he announces, walking over to the wall.

(y/n): "(They... only asked 2 questions though... and they were basically the same...)" you think.

Roman "So, how do I..." he mutters to himself, stopping in front of a device. "Ah, there" he adds, pressing a button.

Suddenly a big holographic screen appears, making the class release a sound of awe.

Roman: "The wonders of technology" he says, appearing from behind said screen. "NOW! To yours, and my first lesson of Criminology I will have to show you why learning about criminals and underhanded people is important" he begins, getting out a scroll from his desk. "(Luckily Ozpin gave me a pretty good rundown)" he notes, while pressing a few buttons on said scroll.

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