Poke A Sleeping Bear... And You Get Bit... Vel...

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2nd Person POV

Ruby: "YEAH!!! YOU GUYS SHOWED THEM WHO'S THE BEST TEAM!!!" she cheers loudly, as we begin this chapter with the silver eyed girl jumping up and down happily. "I MEAN I KNEW YOU WOULD WIN BUT IT WAS STILL AWESOME!!!" she continues cheerfully.

Neo: "Yeah! It was so flashy, and I love it! Congratulations you two!" she types with a huge smile.

Yang: "Never doubted you for a second, congrats!" she also cheers happily, wrapping an arm around yours and Weiss' shoulder, a notion you don't mind unsurprisingly, but even Weiss seems ok with it, meaning she is in a fantastic mood.

Weiss: "Thank you very much, I do genuinely appreciate it!" she adds with a sincere tone and smile.

Ruby: "DAWWW! Weiss! We are teammates, we'll always cheer for you!" she responds cutely, tackling you, her sister and the heiress into a hug.

(y/n): "..." you simply stay silent, wrapping an arm around Ruby and the other around Weiss.

Weiss: "H-HEY! Ruby, (y/n)! What do you think you're doing?" she almost shouts, flustered at the sudden hug, a red hue on her cheeks.

Yang: "GROUP HUG!!!" she yells, also wrapping her arms around you and Weiss, meaning the ice-royalty is stuck between sisters.

Weiss: "Y-YANG? ST-STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!" she protests, barely resisting this situation, while you simply smile, a warm bubbly feeling appearing in your chest.

Your red eyes spot a slightly awkward looking Neo, so letting go of Ruby, you gesture the dual-coloured girl to join, an offer she takes barely a second to accept.

In a similar fashion to Ruby, she tackles into the hug.

Weiss: "HEY! NEO YOU TOO!?!?!" she exclaims shocked, receiving a grin from the short girl. "Y-You dunces! Fine then, let's have this stupid group hug then" she grumbles with a Tsundere like tone, to which the sisters start laughing cheerfully.

(y/n): "Group hugs... are nice..." you mutter with a small blush on your cheeks...


Neo: "Now that I think about it, have you two decided already who will fight in the single rounds?" she asks curiously, looking between you and Weiss, as the group hug ended a while ago and you're currently in your team's dorm.

Ruby: "Oh yeah, probably (y/n), right? I mean nothing against you Weiss but he'll probably win the tournament" she chimes tilting her head cutely.

Weiss: "You're simply just stating a fact Ruby, why would I be mad? Also, I would like our team to win, so I don't mind having (y/n) go" she responds with a level-headed tone.

(y/n): "Weiss... I think you should continue in the tournament... I don't have much to learn from... this experience..." you say plainly, walking towards yours and Neo's bed, while Weiss looks at you surprised. "(I 'won' a more horrendous, cruel, diabolical one anyways... though calling it a tournament is a long stretch... more like a free for all...)" you think, as unpleasant memories resurface, a young you with bloodied hands, holding a blood covered knife standing in front of a corpse...

Your stomach churns, as you hide away your emotions behind your usual stoic façade, one Neo however manages to see through.

Yang: "Seriously, but why? We'd definitely win if you went to the single rounds" she says with slightly wide eyes.

(y/n): "As I already said... I don't have much to learn from this... and I don't particularly enjoy... fighting..." you repeat, sitting down. "Also, it might be a way... to show Remnant that... Weiss Schnee is more than just... a spoilt princess, or heiress in this case... a way to build your own legacy..." you continue with a soft voice, to which Weiss' surprise turns to thankfulness and awe, though that turns into determination quickly.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now