Shakes the Heavens...!

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A/N: SO! Sorry to have an A/N at the beginning of the chapter but...! I wanted to shoutout the person who suggested the genius name change from RWBYY to RWBYYN...

LAST chapter that is...

It slipped my mind, that's why I'll do it first thing in this chapter...

A huge thank you again to  for the suggestion! Thank you very much! Sorry for forgetting, but I am forgetful at times.

Without further ado enjoy this chapter and 'see' you at the end.




2nd Person POV

The scene begins with you and Ruby walking over Beacon's campus.

Ruby: "YEAHHHH! I'm SO looking forward to later!" she exclaims brimming with energy, as the landing pads are your goal.

(y/n): "..." you stay silent, not feeling particularly excited about the tournament. "I see where you're coming from..." you finally respond stoically, making Ruby nod excitedly.

Ruby: "We are SO gonna show them who's the best!" she cheers.

(y/n): "Now... don't get overconfident...!" you scold sternly, to which Ruby salutes.

Ruby: "Yes sir!" she says jokingly, before having a face of realisation. "Wait! I am your team leader! SHOW ME SOME RESPECT! OBEY ME!!" she shouts as you smile gently at her antics.

(y/n): "Want to see... how fast I tear apart... a dictatorship...?" you ask with a surprisingly teasing voice... it IS mostly stoic though.

Ruby shivers a little at the thought.

Ruby: "S-Scary!" she exclaims. "Never mind!" she quickly adds, to which you pat her head gently. "So, are you looking forward to---" she begins.

???: "Sal-u-tations friend (y/n), friend Ruby!" a cheerful familiar voice greets from behind you, as an arm wraps around both of your waists, getting pulled into a tight hug.

(y/n): "Greetings... Penny..." you respond to the brightly smiling orange haired girl, unaffected by the hug.

Ruby: "H-Hello, P-P-Penny..." she stutters because of the tight hug, struggling to breath. "I b-beg, air—" she stammers slowly turning purple from Penny's affection, while you continue to be unaffected by it.

Realising her error, Penny quickly ends the hug, to which Ruby falls onto the ground instantly taking multiple huge breathes of air, while you land on your feet, looking at Ruby, who takes another deep breath...

Ruby: "AHHHHH! WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS TRY TO KILL ME WITH HUGS?!" she suddenly yells up to the sky annoyed, causing onlookers to look at her weirdly, but your silver-eyed leader couldn't care less.

Penny: "My apologies Ruby, it was not my intention to kill or harm you" she apologises with a guilty expression, as Ruby gets up from the ground, dusting her skirt.

Ruby: "I know!" she says exasperated, before taking a calming breath. "Sorry about that Penny, I'm happy to see you!" she quickly forgets her anger towards hugs, greeting Penny again with a bright smile, one that the ginger returns.

Penny: "Salutations!" she returns cheerfully.

(y/n): "Hello again..." you add with a short bow. "We haven't seen... each other for a while... how are you, and how... are you feeling at Beacon...?" you inquire stoically.

Penny: "I am sen-sational, and so is my time at Beacon! There's so many different things to explore and a lot to learn about! Sadly, the general doesn't let me explore all that often, but he said that might change soon!" she answers chipper, and you assume she means General Ironwood, but you keep your mouth closed.

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