Please don't make me do this...

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The silence is suffocating...

Neo looks like a deer caught in headlights, dread filling her being, while you look at her, shock, anger, disappointment, sadness, and confusion in your eyes, both with your weapons drawn.

Neo's shaking hand reaches for her scroll, but you suddenly disappear, appearing behind her, forcing her to block another attack.

(y/n): "Why... why are you here? With Roman? With the White Fang?!" you question coldly, gripping Murasame's handle tightly.

(y/n): "All the time... we spent together... was it a lie?" you question, to which Neo desperately shakes her head, as you unleash a flurry of attacks while you feel emotions you haven't felt before, not in this way at least. "Every laugh" you begin, slashing, as Neo blocks. "Every smile" another slash. "Every hug" you slowly feel yourself grow more heated, to which the force behind your swings increases. "Every date" Neo's resolve to fight slowly diminishes with each passing second. "Was it all A LIE?" you snarl. "I entrusted you with parts of my past! I trusted you with it! And all that... for you to end up as... MY ENEMY?!" you ask with venom in your voice, as a surge of anger flows through your veins, your next attack holding a tremendous amount of force behind it.

Barely in time, Neo raises her umbrella blade, named Hush, to block it, but it disarms her, as her blade flies across the roof, leaving her open to any attack. Flinching she closes her eyes, a part of her accepting whatever's to come, leaving her with her thoughts

Neo: "(It wasn't a lie... NONE of it... I promise! It hurts... so much...)" she thinks bracing herself for your next attack...















She feels no strike...

Leaving Neo confused...

(y/n): "Why..." you begin, as Neo hesitantly opens her eyes. "Why did you have to betray me too?" you ask with a broken voice, as Murasame's pointing to the ground.

Tears in your eyes, guard completely let down, as sorrow is the sole emotion running through you, leaving Neo regretful, guilty, and shocked

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Tears in your eyes, guard completely let down, as sorrow is the sole emotion running through you, leaving Neo regretful, guilty, and shocked.

She's never seen you so vulnerable before...

With a shaking hand she reaches out to you...


We see you standing on the roof, alone, Murasame still pointed to the ground as you look down, hair covering your red eyes, eyes a bit puffy.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now