It's always the same isn't it...

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2nd Person POV

The scene starts with an upset Ruby sitting on her bed sulking, her arms crossed, a very pissed off aura surrounding her, while you and Yang observe her from the corner of the room.

Yang: "Uh-oh... I think we over did it..." she says worriedly, making you shoot her a disapproving look.

(y/n): "We? I'm giving you the blame for this... I only wanted her to sleep... not torment her..." you respond unimpressed, as a day has passed since the last chapter.

Yang simply scratches the back of her head sheepishly with a forced laugh.

Yang: "So... what do we do?" she wonders, feeling slightly guilty.

With a heavy sigh you walk up to Ruby, who barely acknowledges you.

(y/n): "I'm sorry Ruby... I only wanted that you... don't overwork yourself... and have enough rest... not torment you like someone else!" you apologise stoically and sincerely, before shooting Yang another glare.

Red Riding Hood stays silent for a while, before she looks at you.

Ruby: "You were only worried about me?" she asks, to which you nod sincerely. "Hmph... I suppose I could forgive you... however ... only if you bake me some cookies, a LOT!" she demands in a Tsundere manner, making you smile softly.

(y/n): "I suppose that's... only fair... and I enjoy baking, so I don't mind..." you respond with a warmer tone, breaking Ruby out of her sulking.

Suddenly Yang slides over, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

Yang: "Sooooo, what about me?" she asks with a grin, ruining the mood, upsetting Ruby again.

Ruby: "NO! Go away! I don't want to see you! YOU BIG IDIOT!" she yells, as you pull Yang away.

Yang: "Okay... I think I really messed up" she tells you, actually regretting her actions. "Got any help on how to fix this?" she asks looking at you hopefully.

(y/n): "Hmm... this is your mess to get out of... I wish you good luck..." you shoot her down mercilessly. "But I'm sure you'll... think of something... you are siblings... and siblings shouldn't be fighting for too long... it just ends bad..." you mutter reassuringly, with a melancholic tone. "I'm going out now..." you add not allowing Yang the time to answer, before leaving the dorm.

Now in the hallway, you notice that the door from team JNPR is slightly ajar. You hear music, and what sounds liked dancing.

Curiosity taking over, you peek inside, being slightly hypocritical, but we can give you a pass.

Inside their dorm you see them, dancing obviously, when suddenly...

Ren: "STOP!" he yells, holding out a hand, making Pyrrha whimper, while Nora and Jaune shoot him an unimpressed look. "Pyrrha... you know I love you, but kick step, kick step, body roll is NOT rocket science!" he says sassily, stomping.

Nora doesn't seem happy by the comment, but she knows he means it platonically...

Pyrrha: "I---" she begins flustered.

Ren: "It's kick step, kick step, body roll!" he interrupts, stomping on the floor even more.

Jaune: "Urgh, I can't work like this!" he complains, trying to walk away.

Ren: "And where do you think you're going?" he asks sharply, pointing a finger at his leader.

Jaune: "Anywhere but here!" he shoots back.

Ren: "Oh no, you don't! You and I have a fitting to go to after this! You haven't lost those 7 pounds, have you?" he calls out.

Jaune: "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" he yells frustrated, basically giving himself away.

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