A Bad Influence...?

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A/N: So, it was brought to my attention that Raven also uses a Katana with dust blades, and honestly...

I didn't know that!

I mean I know she uses a katana and all, but I was under the impression that it was a normal one with a red blade... to be fair though she has like no screen time, and I don't really like her.

I could change the katana (y/n) gets... BUT I think the idea of a dust infused katana is wasted on Raven, like severely wasted! Of course, the one (y/n) gets isn't going to be the same as hers, so don't worry about that!

If you like Raven, sorry for thrashing her but that's just my opinion!

Anyway, I've wasted enough of your time, that's why, let the reading commence, and 'see' you at the end!




2nd Person POV

It's been around a week since 'The Best Day Ever', and that you went to place your weapon orders with Ruby!

Speaking of said weapon orders, your first one was, just like Markus said, done one day after you placed it, so you had a sparing katana for Glynda's combat classes...

The katana is what you expected, made of good metal, not to heavy nor to light, and the blade is sharp. You store it in your locker since it's only for spar fights, unlike Murasame.

Speaking of said combat classes, you, obviously were chosen to fight, and let's just say... you won instantly, to no one's surprise... you were up against Cardin after all...

So, no need to bore you with this unspectacular fight!

On the other hand, you were on another date with Neo, which was, as usual very pleasant for both parties involved.

You two went to the cinema first, and then to a restaurant, so it was more of a classical date, very enjoyable to say the least. Though you were slightly overwhelmed by the huge screen, and sound effects. You quickly got used to them however!

As for the film you watched... it was Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace!

A film you couldn't really wrap your head around, but you still liked it. Neo 'said' that it was the worst one of the three and that the best ones are still to come, so you're looking forward to that.

(A/N): "The Prequels FOREVER! The Clone Wars series is THE BEST! Can't change my mind!)

But space, lightsabers and the force? And the general futuristic theme, is confusing to say the least.


Focusing on the now, you're currently at the library with your team and team JNPR, occupying two tables.

We see Jaune reading a comic, not focusing on the study book in front of him. Noticing this, Pyrrha swiftly scoops said comic away, replacing It with said study book, making Jaune slump his shoulders, sighing defeated.

Pyrrha looks over the comic, and slightly hypocritically she starts reading it herself, pushing aside her own study book.

Next to her we see you, using your arms as a pillow, sleeping, a closed book in front of you. You had a bad night of sleep and are trying to catch up on said missed sleep.

Moving along the line, a familiar ginger also appears to be sleeping with a comical sleep bubble from her nose deflating and inflating with the rhythm of her breath, while her boyfriend next to her, is studying like a good student.

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