Chapter 13

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Amilia emerged from the fireplace in her friend's home. Marcus glanced up from the newspaper in his hand before smiling at her. "I find that if I see the green first, I am not as started."

Amilia chuckled, "Well, good. Same room as always?" She pointed at the stairs.


Scott raced around the corner, "Auntie Mia!" His arms outstretched to embrace her.

"Whoa! What a minute! We don't want to drop Bubbles or Edgar, do we?"

The little boy comically backpedaled to stop before he crashed into her. "Can I carry one?!"

"I do not think so. Their cages may be a little heavy." Amilia grinned at him, "How about you help me to my room, and I will let you give them a snack."

She watched the excitement light up in his eyes, "yeah!" He grabbed her arm with his grubby little hands and pulled her to her room. She set the cages down and pulled out her small treat boxes. Scott stuck his little hands in them and excitedly bounced while Bubble and Edgar took the treats from him.

Amilia and the little boy walked hand in hand down the stairs; he pulled her to sit in front of the fireplace. "Mommy belly getting big!"

Amilia nodded and tried not to laugh, "Is that so?"


"Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" Scott jumped onto the sofa and shoved a pillow under his shirt, "I wanna big belly too!"

Amilia laughed, and so did Marcus, "He has been like that for the past week. As you can see, he is excited."

"I can see that." Amilia sighed, "I have a b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y present for him." She made sure to spell the word softly, hoping that he would not hear her.

"Oh, good, we will put it with the others. Will you be here?"

Amilia grimaced, "Unfortunately, no. I have rounds to do and prep work for the next semester."

"We will send you a picture," Kylie said as she set the tea on the table. She was rounder than the last time they had seen each other, and she practically glowed.

Amilia poured each of them a cup as Kylie settled into a chair; Scott pulled up a stool for her to rest her feet on and proceeded to pretend that her legs were a cave. Amilia grinned; this is what I deserve.

Severus paced his classroom; things were relatively calm. He had no issues with the students who stayed behind, not even with Potter, who seemed to be delighted not to have to go home. This concerned him, The Boy Who Lived, should want to go home as soon as possible to the family he has. He should not want to be around here, especially when I think that something is wrong. That was it, Severus made up his mind, he decided to march himself to the Headmasters office.

Albus was waiting for him, sitting behind that same grand desk with the same spectacles on his face and the same knowing expression as always. Often, Severus hated it, the predictability.

"Sir, I..."

"I know why you are here. Please sit."

Severus dropped in the chair before the desk and waited. Albus scribbled something on a small slip of parchment and set it in a parcel. "What concerns do you have this time, Severus?"

"I think...that Voldemort is after the stone."

The bushy eyebrows of the wizard sitting before him arched as he leaned back, "I suppose you are right. What is your proof?"

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