Chapter 29

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The weekend had come, and Amilia set up her tea set on her desk. This year, she would be hosting the first tea. She huffed as she looked at the spread in front of her, Minerva would be bringing her usual, but Poppy had completely forgotten after dealing with some classroom hazard. She could hear laughing entering her classroom, "I would like to be in on the joke." She called.

"Don't worry; you will be." Minerva swept in, her robes shimmering in the morning light. "Severus, will you be joining us?"

Amilia jumped and turned around; he stood in the doorway. "While that looks amazing, I cannot. I need to hand out the new equipment for the quidditch team."

Amilia tilted her head at him; you kept the equipment?

"Severus was telling me about the tryouts he had the other day. Little Draco Malfoy was a sight to see apparently."

"I see." Amilia wrung her hands; she had expected the worst but was pleasantly surprised. "You may need to keep your bets to yourself this year Minerva."

The old witch smiled slyly and reached for a muffin.

Amilia looked back at Severus, giving him a look signaling that he could leave, but all he could do was stare at her. She forced a polite smile, "Would you like a muffin to take with you to the pitch? There are plenty."

Severus was pulled out his thoughts and eyed the muffins on the table, "Do you have any of your apple cinnamon muffins?"

Amilia blushed for a moment; she was surprised that he remembered, "Yes." She grabbed a napkin and wrapped a muffin in it before handing it to him. "Have a good day."

"You too."

Poppy finally arrived, and she plopped down in the empty chair. "Is it too early to ask for something harder than tea?"

Amilia chuckled, "You will not be finding anything like that in here." Poppy waved off the comment and devoured a muffin. "What do you think of Lockhart?"

"He is full of himself," Amilia said a little too quickly.

"Well, when you do such amazing things, you would be too," Minerva said. "Though he has not left Potter alone at all, anytime the boy turns around, there he is."

"Poor kid."

Poppy sighed, "I understand that he is the DADA Professor but releasing a cage full of cornish pixies on your class without properly teaching them how to handle the creatures or defend themselves is...oh what is the word, stupid."

Amilia choked on her tea; never had she heard Poppy call someone stupid in her entire time that she had been at Hogwarts.

"Am I wrong, though?

"No, you are not." Minerva said, "However, it is a mistake that any new teacher would make."

Amilia chimed in, "A new teacher with no outside experience, yes, but he has outside experience. He should know better."

Minerva nodded, conceding the point. "I had run into Pamona on my way here; on the first day of school, he was trying to tell her how to heal the Whomping Willow!" She drank from the cup and set it down, "She was there when the tree was planted! She is an expert in her field!"

"With everyone complaining, I am beginning to wonder if he really did those things that he says he did," Amilia muttered.

"Ha!" Minerva picked at a muffin, "How are you and Severus getting along?"

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