Chapter 14

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Amilia hugged each person tightly before stepping into the fireplace. Green flames surrounded her, and her sitting room slowly appeared before her. She sighed and stepped out, her soot-filled footsteps following her to her bedroom. Bubbles and Edgar graciously waited to be free of their cages; Amilia released them shortly after dumping her bag. They both flew to their perch and settled into the nests made from twigs and scrap yarn.

Amilia shook her head; it ended too soon. She enjoyed her time with her friends, and now she is here having to spend the holidays with him. She dumped her bag out on her bed and put away the clean clothes. The charmed stone glistened in the light from the windows; she picked it up and clutched it to her chest for a brief moment before setting it on the mantle.

Amilia opened the drapes; the sunset was gorgeous; the dying yellow orb of the sun kissed the frozen lake. Its soft glow was sending a glittering trail of gold across the castle grounds. She sighed; she wanted to share moments like this with someone. "Stop that," Amilia grumbled to herself as she shuffled away from the window into her bathroom. Here she applied a nude gloss to her lips and pinned her hair away from her face. Her appearance did not need to be extravagant for the night since it was just Christmas Eve, but she wanted to look approachable and wanted to be here. Her red shirt and jeans would have to do.

Severus paced his office; Amilia would be returning soon. He was unsure how to proceed. Would she want to attend the common room's festivities, or would she remain in her quarters until her patrols for the night? He rubbed his face furiously, the callouses on his hand, roughly bringing him back to his senses. I do not need to be concerned with her; she is a grown woman who does not want me. He shoved the small gift for her in his pocket before walking into his bedroom and changing his shirt. The pale gold settled nicely against his paleness, his present last year from Minerva. "Maybe I should save this for tomorrow." Again he rubbed his face; no, I will wear it today.

Severus could smell the stew before his feet even touched the stone floor of the common room. Several students lounged against the overstuffed furniture, drinking steaming drinks from their mugs. Severus inhaled deeply. During Amilia's time away from Hogwarts, Christmas time was the only time he could not escape her but enjoyed the warmth and memories.

Students laughing called him back to reality. Severus clasped his hands behind his back and sauntered over to the elaborately decorated tree. Silver orbs glistened in the light of the chandelier, and gold garland shimmered. He shoved his hand in his pocket and grabbed the present, quickly tossing it under the tree before standing in front of the large window.

Amilia waltzed into the common room and quickly stopped when the scent of stew slammed into her face. She stared wide-eyed at the hearth as a brunette girl stirred the pot. Amilia had not even considered the fact that the students would want to continue what she started.

"Professor? Are you alright?"

Amilia blinked furiously, focusing on the young boy off to her side. "Yes. I am. I hope you are enjoying your holiday."

He smiled cheerily at her, "Yes, mam! This is my favorite part; whoever came up with the stew must have been a genius." He turned sharply and scampered off.

Amilia grinned smugly as she glided over to the fireplace, watching the girl finish up. "Wonderfully done."

"Thank you." She handed Amilia the first bowl, "and thank you for leaving the recipe for us to continue with this tradition."

Forever Yours [Book 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن