Chapter 5

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Amilia listened to his footsteps retreat down the hall, almost halting her conversation. The other professor noticed and bid her goodnight. Edgar chirped in her ear as if reminding her that she need not concern herself with Severus Snape. "You are right." She sighed and gathered her cloak front in her hands. Her classroom was not far away, and she was sure he would be waiting for her. It was something that he had done when they were together; make sure she entered her classroom safely at the end of the night if she was not staying with him.

The closer she came to her door, she did not see anything waiting in the shadows. "He must have gone on." Good. She locked the door behind her and sat in her office. Scrolls of parchments sat neatly on the corner of her desk, waiting to be graded, but she had no desire to do them. Even the bottle in the bottom drawer had no appeal. She had slipped as her father had; all it took was that one man from the United States to take her to the bar every week. In truth, she had slowed down considerably while in France. The beautiful scenery and her friends coming to visit was the best.

Amilia had discussed it with Kylie; she had needed to get out of the country, to go somewhere no one knew her or what had happened, but for some reason, she still took that fall. Amilia scoffed, "What is it with my taste in men?" She shoved the chair back, "Come on, love, Bubbles must be missing us." Edgar hopped happily onto her shoulder. She hummed as she walked down her steps. Bubbles flapped her wings when she entered. Amilia fished a treat off the shelf. The owl happily ate it and stretched her wings.

Amilia sighed and opened the window, "Edgar, do not keep her out too long." Bubbles hooted softly and shuffled toward the window. Edgar titled his head and blinked at Amilia before brushing up against the owl. They took out into the evening.

Severus sat in front of his fireplace, firewhiskey in hand; sleep had evaded him most nights of this week. Every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was her anguished face, dressed in white. He had caused her so much pain, but she was back. "Maybe."

A crash bounced off his window, startling him. "What the...?" Tapping then ensued. Grumbling, he got out of his chair and opened the window, wondering who would be sending him an owl at this time of night. A caramel-colored owl with a white face struggled onto his ledge, its little chest breathing heavily. Severus stepped back, confused. "Bubbles?" A raven flew into the room as well, settling next to the owl. "What are you two doing here?"

The raven screeched before nudging the owl and tilting its head at Severus. "Go. Leave. You should not be here." The raven made some gurgling sound at him. Severus groaned and chugged the last of his firewiskey before walking into his office and tossed his night robe on. Even if he got to see her briefly,  he did not want to appear improper. He stood in front of the bookcase, unsure of what to do next or if she even knew they were loose. He raised his hand hesitantly and then knocked.

He could not hear anything on the other side, so he knocked again. Nothing. "Fuck."

Severus stomped into his room; Bubbles hooted at him softly. "Sorry, but you two have to go." Severus paused; he did not hear the raven's call, nor was he sitting next to the owl. "Where did he go?"

Amilia read a book as she rocked; Edgar cried for her. "I told you not to keep her out too long." Amilia got up and walked into her chambers, Edgar sat on the window ledge, but she did not see Bubbles. "Where is Bubbles?"

The raven cried at her and flew out the window, Amilia rushed to it, but it was too dark to see him. He came back, hovering in front of her. "I cannot go out the window."

He squawked and flew into the sitting room. Landing on the bookshelf. Amilia began to panic, "where is she, Edgar?" He shook his head, his feathers fluffing slightly as he made more noise. Amilia grabbed her night robe and wand. Edgar took off up the stairs to her office.

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