chapter 59

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Summer was long, and Amilia was packing her bag; she was going to the Quidditch World Cup was that night, and the Malfoy's had graciously invited her to join them. At first, she had protested due to her fear of heights, but after the many letters Draco had sent her, she relented. He had reassured her that they would be sitting in the box with the Minister of Magic, which eased her mind a little bit. Draco was excited, he had hoped to spend more time with her over the summer, but Amilia had already made plans to go to Egypt.

Amilia glanced at the clock and tossed the strap over her shoulder, and ruffled Edgar's feathers. He nipped at her fingers in annoyance. "The kitchen window will be open for you, should you need to leave. I will be back tomorrow night." Amilia slowly turned, viewing the cottage and memorizing every item's place, just in case. When she was satisfied, she locked the doors and took the Floo Network to the Malfoy Manor.

She dusted off her trousers and stepped delicately over the ornate fireplace grate. "Hello?" She called. 

Footsteps entered the large room; Narcissa pulled on an ebony blazer, "I was beginning to wonder if you were coming."

Amilia smiled at her, "Are we taking a portkey?"

Lucius laughed, "No. We will apparate. No need to make our clothes filthy."

Amilia's lips pressed thin; she had been at odds with him since she first gave Draco detention. "Where is Draco? "

"He will be down shortly." Lucius eyed her apparel, "You are dressed, casually."

Amilia looked at her outfit; she wore nice trousers, a cream-colored camisole, and a purple cardigan. She opened her mouth to defend herself when Narcissa told her husband off. "She looks wonderful."

Draco entered the room, rolled his eyes at his parents, and smiled at Amilia, "I am glad you came!" He held out his hand and took his father's.

She smiled at him as she took his hand; Narcissa took her other one. Amilia squeezed her eyes shut as the sound of their departure echoed around them.

They appeared in a large field; other witches and wizards looked at them, hiding their faces immediately, and others continued watching curiously. "This is where we will stay," Draco said quietly.

Amilia watched as a large tent appeared and set itself up. Draco pulled her inside, and she dropped his hand as she took in sight. A large crystal chandelier illuminated the large sitting area. A coffee table and four chairs sat in the middle, and four doors were propped open on the left-hand side. "Mother and father are the first door, I have the second, and you have the third. I made sure that you had a purple bedspread."

Amilia grinned, "Thank you, Draco, that is very sweet."

"The kitchen is over there," He pointed to the right, "Though we no longer have Dobby and our servants begged to have the day off." His tone soured.

"The Minister has ordered a lovely light dinner for us to have in the box," Narcissa added.

"I can make breakfast." Amilia offered.

Lucius scrunched his face, and Narcissa glared at him. "That would be lovely. Thank you."

Each of them retired to their rooms; briefly, Amilia ran her fingers over the bedspread. It was multiple shades of purple sewn to look like a jewel. She sighed and looked out the little window; there were tents as far as the eye could see and fireworks. Today is going to be interesting.

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