Chapter 44

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The first day of school had started, and Amilia found that she was rather bored. The beginning of the year was always slow. There were, of course, the ones who would be coming to see her based on their test scores from the year before, but most often, they were scheduled in the afternoon as tutoring. She had set up Tuesdays as a review day for Defense Against the Dark Arts, should students need it based on their lack of education the previous year. However, all of the students were curious to see what they would learn from Professor Lupin, and so was Amilia.

She had left her classroom and wandered through the halls on her way to see Poppy; she should not be busy. It was the first day, after all. The double doors were propped open, and the windows were open, bringing in the warmth from the sun.

"What are you doing here?"

"I have nothing to do at this moment. Would you care for some company?"

Poppy waved her over to sit at the desk near the back of the room. The beds were neatly tucked in, and the nightstands had a small lamp and an empty glass. "How was your trip to your friend's home? You never sent me a letter."

"Oh, I am sorry, I forgot." Amilia sat down. "It was wonderful. Alice has plenty of artifacts in her home, obviously not for children to touch. She intends to open a museum and display them. She took me on a tour of her hometown."

"Wonderfull, I am glad that you had a good time." Poppy shifted in her seat, "Severus came to talk to me a couple of weeks ago."

Amilia blanched, "Is that so?"

"Yes. Now, I do not want to pressure you or pry, but what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"He has laid it all out before you, hasn't he?"

Amilia fidgeted with a button, "Yes."


"I do not know. I need time to figure things out."

Poppy had opened her mouth to speak when giant footsteps came lumbering in. "I need help!"

"Oh, it's killed me!"

Both Poppy and Amilia jumped to their feet. "Hagrid set him on the bed!" Poppy ordered, "So much for a calm first day." 

Hagrid stood by, watching Poppy begin her work over Draco; he was sputtering words so fast that neither of the women could discern. Amilia stepped away, her hands up and waving to get his attention. "Hagrid, what happened?"

"Buckbeak scratched him."

"It killed me! That bloody chicken!"

"Draco, shut up!" Amilia snapped. She grabbed Hagrid's arm and pulled him away from the bed, "Who or what is a Buckbeak?"

"Buckbeak, he's, he's a hippogriff." Hagrid looked back at the boy, "I told them not to insult them! Why did he have to go insult him?" Hagrid looked back at her, fear washing over him so much that his beard began to shake.

"Hagrid, Draco will be alright. Are they venomous? Is there anything we need to worry about?"

"No, no."

"Alright," Amilia patted his arm, "Take a deep breath. Where is the rest of your class?"

"I dismissed them."

"Good, good. Is there anyone else hurt?" He shook his head, "That is good news! Now, go and make the incident report, take it to Dumbledore. Poppy will handle this." Amilia gave him a reassuring shove towards the door. Hagrid glanced back at Draco as he left. He still looked terrified.

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