Chapter 52

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Another couple of weeks had passed, and Amilia had finally relented in distancing herself from Severus. They walked quietly in Hogsmead; both of them had their wands out as they carefully watched the depraved creatures stalk the edges of the village. The area's light atmosphere had become depressed, and students did not like to come, but this weekend they needed the break.

"Professor?" They turned to look at the student, "I seem to be a little short for my brother's birthday gift. Is it possible that I could borrow a knut?"

"No," Severus said sharply.

Amilia glared at him, "Here," she shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out a handful of coins, "get him a nice card as well."

"Thank you!"

"You are going to go bankrupt if you keep doing that." Severus drawled.

Amilia gave him a sharp look, "I hope that is not how you would treat your children, should you ever have any."

Severus was taken back; her tone surprised him, as did the statement. "I had to earn my money, so would they."

"I never said I did not earn my money, but I was not deprived of it either if I needed a little extra." She looked away from him and stuck her nose in the air. I can see that money would have been a consistent issue. 

Severus waited for her to say something, but when she did not, he just continued forward, "We should head back; the students will be returning soon." He could hear her shuffle her feet as she followed him.

"Do you have patrols tonight?" She asked as they stood in front of the fountain.



Severus looked down at her. She was inching closer and closer to the pages of her book as the sun was setting behind the castle. He could see the crease in her forehead deepen with each frustrating minute. "You are going to ruin your eyes."

"I need to finish this chapter before I go to bed tonight."

"What is the book about?"

Amilia waved at him, telling him to quiet down so she could focus. Severus chuckled softly and marked off a handful of students off of the list. "That is all of them."

"Oh, thank the gods." Amilia snapped the book shut and walked into the castle.

At supper, Severus kept looking down the table at her; he wondered if she would be up to going on patrols with him that night but judging by the book shoved in her face, he doubted it.

"Severus," Minerva nudged him, "did you hear me?"

"I am sorry, no."

"I asked if things were progressing between you and Amilia. I know she is no longer in your classroom assisting Mister Malfoy," Minerva nodded at the boy, "but I had hoped that it would start a trip down memory lane."

"You were responsible for that?"

"Partly," Minerva grinned, "however it is in her job description."

"No. I do not think anything has progressed. In fact, she is much more likely to chastise me."

"She has grown into a confident woman who does not take anyone's shit, Severus."

Severus looked at her, startled; Minerva hardly ever used words like that. "Are you saying she used to fold to my every whim?"

"Is that how you perceive it?" Minerva asked slyly as she nibbled on an apple tart.

"I." Severus closed his mouth; he was not sure. When he thought back to their fights or discussions, she was always brash in her opinion, but she often tried to compromise. Perhaps that is what Minerva is talking about.

Minerva looked at him, waiting, "Have you two grown closer?"

"What is with all of these questions?"

Minerva grinned and side-eyed him. "I am just curious, is all."

"You ripped me a new asshole after that day. Why would you want us back together?"

"I was disappointed in you. I understood how you felt but seeing her heart shatter like that was something all together, and you deserved it." She snipped, Severus turned his cheek. "However," she said softly, "I know that you two are well matched. You both brought out the good in each other."

"Perhaps," Severus said, ending the conversation. Or we brought out the worse in each other, which is why she is fighting so hard.

Severus took his time to check each corner and behind each statue during his patrols that night. You have to have gotten in here somehow. He shook his head and continued on his way; nothing made sense, not this whole Black thing nor the thing with Amilia. It was creeping on a year, and she had not told him anything. "What am I going to do about you?" He turned the corner and saw the light in a corridor. Severus hurried and pointed his wand at the figure.

He growled, "Mister Potter, what are you doing out of bed at this time of night?"

"Uh, couldn't sleep."

"Sir," Severus added, the boy was horrible for not showing respect to his elders, often calling his teachers by their last names only.

"No need to call me sir, Professor."

Severus's lip curled, "You are just like your father. Always sneaking about."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

Severus sneered, "Turn out your pockets."


"Your pockets. Empty them."

Harry groaned and pulled out his wand and a wad of parchment paper.

"What is this?"


"Open it." Harry did, and Severus pointed his wand at the center, "Reveal yourself." Large blots of ink started to appear. "Read it."

"Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail, and Prongs respectfully ask Professor Snape to keep his large nose out of things."

Severus snatched the parchment from the boy's hands and inspected it.

"Is there something wrong here?"

Severus glared at Remus, who appeared over his shoulder, "Mister Potter is out past curfew and has this. Full of dark magic, no doubt." He shoved the paper at the man, "This is your area of expertise, is it not."

Remus flipped the papers over, "This appears to be a Zonko's item, very well made. I shall keep a hold onto it though, just in case."

Severus grunted, "To bed, Potter." He watched the boy turn around and walk back in the direction of the tower. The rest of the evening went quietly. No one was out of bed, and Severus could find no feasible way for Sirius Black to get into the castle.

Severus paused in front of Amilia's classroom; he could see a lamp flicker in her office. He knocked gently, hoping that she would hear it and welcome him in. Instead, her light went out, and the room darkened. Severus sighed while he turned away.

"Is there something that you need?"

He turned around, "I am surprised you are still up." He eyed her. She wore her nightrobe and slippers.

"I was writing a letter."

Severus nodded, "I see. I was only checking to see if you needed something since I saw your light on."

"No, no. I do not need anything." Amilia started to close the door, "Thank you, though."

"You are welcome." He walked away.

Amilia poked her head out into the hall, "Have a good night." She closed the door and wandered into her office. With a final glance at the letter on her desk, she shoved it in a drawer and went to bed.

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