Chapter 27

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Amilia sat at the head table during the mock sorting, Poppy sat next to her again, but she was seated closer to the main table than the year before. Several staff members were surprised to see her, but she just laughed it off.

Lockhart waved at her gayly as Severus eyed them both. Poppy leaned over, "looks likes two people have their eyes on you."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"Well, you had better get your rest tonight; tomorrow is a big day."

Amilia nodded, "yes, yes it is." She rose from her seat when they were dismissed and wandered down to the Slytherin table. As she walked by, she let her fingers trail along the wood as she went towards the exit.

Other staff members passed her by as she wandered to her classroom; her hand lingered on the door nob then she heard that boisterous laughter. "Ugh." She turned the nob quickly and locked her door behind her before receding into the darkness.

Lockhart hovered outside her door with some grin on his face. "Ahah! Minerva!" He grabbed the corner of his cape and gave it a grand flourish as he sauntered over to the witch. Amilia let out a sigh of relief as she made her way down to her quarters.

Bubbles and Edgar sat on the ledge of the open window, preening. "Go on, you two. Have a good flight before the student owls come back." Edgar looked at her and clacked his beak three times before taking off with Bubbles into the night.

Amilia sat in front of the fire, dozing off as she waited for her birds to come back. She was startled by furious knocking on her door. She grumbled as she threw it open. Severus stood there; he looked exhausted. "Can I help you?"

"I need your help in the common room."

"Oh, alright," Amilia slipped on shoes and followed him to the common room. Inside she saw a pile of boxes neatly wrapped and cluttering the main space. "What are these?"

"I do not know."

Amilia sighed, "I should be waiting for Bubbles and Edgar."

"This should not take long." Severus handed her a small knife as he began to open boxes.

Amilia grabbed a box, placed the knife in a corner, and quickly opened the box; she pulled back the brown paper inside, "Brooms?"

Severus turned to her as well with a broom in hand, "It appears so."

"Why would you have brooms here?"

"I did not order them."

"Did Albus tell you that you were receiving these?" Severus shook his head, "Well, keep opening them until we find a note." They put their heads down and continued opening boxes, "I found it!" Amilia waved it around, and Severus rushed over.

Severus, I have purchased the entire Slytherin Quidditch team new brooms to ensure that they have the best equipment available to them. 


"What is this about?" Amilia looked at the man next to her.

"Draco auditioned for the role of Seeker; he and another were very close in numbers." Severus rubbed the back of his neck, "They both complained about not having the best brooms available to them."

Amilia gave him a pointed look, "He is trying to buy Draco's way onto the team."


She squinted her eyes at him, "Do not let him buy his way onto to team. That is my final decision as Co-head of this house."

"What am I supposed to do? Return the equipment?"

"Either that or you hold new tryouts for the position of Seeker, between the two who have the best scores. Use the new brooms if you see fit."

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