Chapter 58

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"Expecto Patronum!" Amilia thrust her wand forward, praying that it would work. An owl with a moon-shaped face burst from the tip of her wand, beating its wings as it chased the vile creatures away. Amilia felt her heart soar, but she shoved it down as she ran to whoever was on the ground. As she got closer, she saw the bushy hair of Hermione Granger as she leaned over the other two.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

The girl's head snapped up, "Ron was bitten!"

A howl filled the air, and Amilia's werewolf injury tingled. "By Lupin?"

"No!" She kept pressure on the wound, "Wait, you knew?"

Amilia ignored the question and pointed at Ron's leg, a bandage wrapped around the wound, and a tourniquet was applied. "Is that Harry?" She jerked her head at the other body.

"No." Hermione looked away from her, ready to go over and help.

Amilia grabbed her arm, "Stay with Ron." She pointed her wand at the unconscious form and crept closer, afraid that it would be the murderer, but when she saw the long black sleeves and robes.

Amilia lunged forward and fell to her knees. Her fingers fluttered around his face. "What happened!?" She yelled at the girl.

"I...he...when he tried to stop Sirius I, well, I attacked bim! Then he found us when Professor Lupin changed. He protected us, and then when the Dementors came down, I think it was too much."

Amilia growled and felt around his neck and felt the stickiness of blood. She muttered healing spells and revived him. Severus blinked a couple of times and smiled at her, "Hello, beautiful."

Amilia blushed a second before scolding him, "I see you may have a concussion. Come on, get up. We have to get them back to the castle."

Severus stood and dusted himself off, "No. You take them back. Potter went after Black."



"No, you take them! I will get Harry!" Amilia snapped, "You are bleeding!"

"So is Ron, so will someone please help him!" Hermione yelled.

Amilia and Severus glared at each other, "If you die, I will kill you myself." Amilia grumbled as she turned away from him. She conjured a cot for the boy and helped load him up; while she did that, Severus disappeared into the brush.

Amilia was working her way to where Sirus Black was being held. She gripped her wand tightly as she rounded a corner, not fully paying attention when someone grabbed her free hand.


Her mouth gapped a couple of times as Severus embraced her, "Are you alright?"

"I am going to get an Order of Merlin!"


"For capturing Black."

"Oh." Amilia looked around, "Well, congratulations."

Severus beamed at her, and his fingers touched her cheeks, "You look as if you have somewhere to be." He said softly, and he pressed his nose into her hair. For a split second, when he was out there, he thought he would never see her again.

"Dumbledore, he wants me to interrogate Black."

Severus stepped back, "What?" He shook his head, "no. You can't."

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