Chapter 6

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Amilia sat in Poppy's office, absently stirring her tea. Minerva plated the tarts and gently set it in front of her. "Everything alright?"

"Hmm?" Amilia blinked, "Oh, yes."

"You seem a little out of sorts, dear."

"I did not get much sleep last night." Amilia lifted her cup to her lips, casually blowing away the steam.

"Why not?"

"Bubbles got hurt Friday night. I could not help but keep checking on her."

Concern grew on Poppy's face, "I remember when you sent the letter explaining what happened to her. Why is she hurt this time?"

Amilia shrugged, "She may have flown into something or landed wrong. She cannot fly long distances anymore."

Minerva dabbed the corner of her mouth, "Argus said he saw you and Severus walking together."

Amilia lifted her eyes, glaring at the witch. "Argus needs to keep his mouth shut."

Minerva snorted, and Poppy nervously glanced around her room. "Is there anything we should know about?"

"I. Am. Not. Getting. Back. With. Him." Amilia enunciated each word.

"Then why were you walking with him?"

"Bubbles got confused and flew into his window. She was injured and did not want to come to me. He walked her to my office and then left. Nothing more." She set down the cup and gathered her cloak, "I do not want to talk about him."

"Amilia!" Poppy held up her hand, "Please sit; I have been looking forward to this all week."

Amilia sighed, "I have grading to do. I will make sure to get this coming week's work done before our afternoon tea." She pulled the door closed behind her, listening carefully.

Poppy and Minerva exchanged glances, "I told you not to say anything!"

Minerva sipped tea, "Curiosity killed the cat."

"But did satisfaction bring it back?" Poppy snipped. Amilia could hear Minerva laugh, "Not yet."

Amilia finished up the scrolls and set them aside; her notes sat before her for the following week. Several students needed help with their upcoming test for Muggle Studies, "Honestly, it is not that hard to take notes. Practically gives you all the answers." She grumbled. I would have been better off teaching something other than Remedial Studies. Amilia looked at the notes the teacher provided her, "At least I can make a practice test."

She groaned and laid her head on her desk. "Miss Hubbard, might I speak with you?" Amilia lifted her head. Flitwick stood just outside her door.

"Do you have students needing my help, as well?"

He laughed, "Not yet, though Miss Granger shows great promise."

"Granger?" Amilia asked.

"A Gryffindor first-year."

"Oh, right! The one with the bushy hair. She might give us all a run for our money."

Flitwick laughed, "I am sure she will be coming to visit you for more advanced work."

Amilia rolled her eyes, "I am for those who are struggling. We both know that. Anyway, what can I help with?"

"Would you be our accompaniest again?"

Amilia crossed her arms across her chest, "Oh. Well, I only intend to be here for the year." Flitwick squinted his eyes at her, "However, I do know of a certain first-year who plays wonderfully."

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