Chapter 9

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Amilia stood in the courtyard; snow had started to fall gently. Too similar to my seventh-year. Each time she breathed, a white cloud sprouted in front of her. She shook her head, "Today is not the day to think of that." She pulled her purple cloak tighter around her; the wind was bitter, she did not want to wear this one, but it was warmer than her emerald cloak. Amilia glanced around her; Gryffindor students had pelted Professor Quirrell with a snowball on the back of his head. She stifled a giggle as she stepped away from them towards the quaint little village.

Amilia waved at everyone she saw as she walked towards The Three Broomsticks; she could see that it was crowded; students were lounging near the fire and laughing loudly. She shook the snow off of her shoulders and lowered her hood, the bells on the ends of the drawstrings jingling softly. Anthony waved her over from one of the large round tables near the bar. He had not aged a bit since they graduated together.

With arms open wide, she embraced her friend, "I have missed you!"

"So have we! Oh, and we have a little surprise for you! Even though your birthday is tomorrow." Aaron said from the chair, his hair neatly pulled back against the nape of his neck.

"I told you not to get me presents." Amilia chided as she draped her cloak over the back of a chair.

"I thought we would be a wonderful present!"

Amilia's head whipped around, "Kylie!" She squealed, "Oh Kylie, and Scott! How are you two?"

Kylie sat down and put her son on her lap, his little eyes taking in the sight of everything around him. "We are wonderful. Marcus says, hi."

Amilia made a face at the little boy who stuck his tongue out in return, "Oh, please tell him hello for me; I hope to make a trip to see you three next month."

"Four," Kylie added quickly.

"Four?" Anthony asked.

Amilia looked up at her friend, "Ky?"

A smile spread across her friend's face, "I am pregnant."

Amilia's jaw dropped, "What!? When are you due?!"

Kylie laughed, "Well, I am due sometime in May. The doctors are keeping an eye on me since," She hugged Scott tightly, "we had problems with this one." Scott protested and tried to wiggle out of his mother's arms.

Amilia clapped her hands, "This is the best birthday present ever! I have to start planning a baby blanket!" she continued to prattle on as her friend's attention was drawn away by a man wearing black passed their table.

Severus walked past the group, three sets of eyes followed him as he took a seat in the far corner. A server came and took his order while they stared at him. Kylie's eyes flashed with anger and resentment, clearly still on the side of her best friend. Anthony eyed him curiously before glancing at Amilia; he had spoken with Severus several months after the incident. The apprentice wandmaker was more forgiving than Severus had anticipated but gave him the riot act anyway. Aaron, his partner, was not as forgiving. Even now, his eyes were cold, and his lips pursed slightly.

Severus shifted uncomfortably under their gaze and took a large gulp of his drink. The alcohol in it burned on its way down; he winced slightly and looked away. He had not known they would be here.

Amilia looked happy, her face was alight with laughter, and she drank happily, glass after glass. Eventually, Severus saw Kylie stand; the subtle roundness of her belly caught his attention. She stretched and reached out for her son's hand; both of them hugged Amilia tightly, staring at him from over Amilia's shoulder. Severus raised his glass to her with a small nod. The quick smile that crossed over the witch's face showed him that she accepted his congratulations. He tore his eyes away from the happy moment in front of him, picking up the book he brought with him.

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