Chapter 34

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The next day Amilia went to the library during her free time. She wanted to get some research done on dueling etiquette, earlier that day, Lockhart had stopped by and asked if she would continue coming to club meetings so that she could help the large group of students; apparently, he had requested Severus as well, and his stipulation was only if she assisted.

She walked past a group of children, talking, "He has to be the heir! Did you see what he did yesterday!?" Amilia shook her head and continued; she did not want to listen to that conversation. However, later she did hear Potter snap at them and saw him stomp out of the library.

She checked out the books in her arms and began the trek back to her classroom. "Attack! Atack! No one is safe, mortal or ghost!" Amilia stopped and looked for the yelling only to see Peeves rain terror down the corridor. She stepped out of his way as he continued shrieking the same thing over and over.

Amilia rushed into her classroom and tossed the books on the nearest table in just enough time to see two professors carrying the body of a young boy. "Let me help!" She yelled and ran after them. At the Hospital Wing, she opened the doors and stepped out of the way. "Another one petrified?"

"Yes," Said Flitwick, "And Nearly Headless Nick was caught in the crossfire."

"Did anyone see what happened?"

He shook his head, "Potter was there, though."

Amilia looked up and made eye contact with Poppy before she ran out of the wing. She rested against the dungeon corridor wall to catch her breath; there is no way Potter is the heir to Slytherin. The only way he could speak that way if...if. "Fuck!" She yelled.


Her head jerked in the way of the kitchens, "Oh, hello. I am sorry."

"What is wrong?" Severus inched closer, his eyes checking every dark corner. "Did Lockhart do something to you?" He asked with a murderous tone.

She shook her head and whispered, "There has been another attack."

Severus's eyes grew large, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her into his office. "Are you serious? Who?" He gripped both of her arms and leaned down to be face-level with her.

"Yes! I would not lie about this! Nearly Headless Nick was hurt, and the boy that Potter set the snake on was petrified."

"We do not know if he urged the snake to do that."

Amilia looked him in the eyes, "Plenty of students think that he is the heir. What if something happened last year in the chamber, and Voldemort took over the boy like he did Quirrell?"

Severus let go of her arms and began to pace the length of his office, "That cannot be the case. I would have heard the Dark Lord by now."

"Then what else could explain why he is a Parsletongue!? Could his father do it?"

"No, James could not do that. I do not know why the boy can speak it." He turned around to face her, "Albus will figure this out. You and I know nothing about the Chamber of Secrets; he does." Amilia tried to speak, but he cut her off, "Our primary concern should be protecting the students, all of them."

She pressed her lips together, "Fine." She flung open his office door and stalked away.

The holidays had arrived, and a deep blanket of snow rested on the ground. In the weeks that had led to the break, Amilia could not take her eyes off Harry Potter when she was around him. He made her nervous; Severus kept telling her that there was no way he was the heir, but it was too much to her. Each time someone or something had been petrified, that boy was there, and it was too much of a coincidence to keep occurring.

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