chapter 41

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August was among them, and their start of term packets had been mailed out. Severus glanced over his; it had not had substantial changes in years. However, a bright blue piece of parchment caught his attention:

Please come to my office in two weeks.


"I wonder what this is about?" He tossed it aside and picked up his newspaper, and continued with his day.

Amilia had received her as well with the same note. She set it aside and assumed that she would have a larger group due to last year's DADA fiasco. She glanced at the book list; nothing was new except one for Care for Magical Creatures. She had a day trip planned to see Kylie and her family; they were to meet in Diagon Alley, so it was perfect for acquiring the book.

She appeared in the Leaky Cauldron; Tom greeted her as usual. "Shopping today?"

"I need to pick up a new book for my classroom."

"Honestly, I am surprised you are still there,"

"As am I." She waved at him as she left the building. She inhaled deeply as she stepped onto the cobblestone street. She enjoyed Hogsmead, but there was just something about Diagon Alley that made her feel warm and fuzzy. It relaxed her despite the hustle and bustle and the haggling that occurred around her.

"Auntie 'Milia!"

Amilia turned to the call of her name and crouched, her arms open wide! "Hi, Scott! How are you?" 

He ran into her arms hard, it stunned her for a moment, but she managed to pick him up. "I lost a tooth!" He opened wide and showed her the now empty space.

"Oh my! You are getting so big!" She hugged him tightly.

Scott cupped her ears with his hands and whispered, "Daddy said that there is a tooth fairy and that it would give me money if I put my tooth under my pillow, but mummy said that there is no such thing and that fairies are very stupid." Amilia nodded and looked at her friend, grinning, "Guess what?"

"What? She whispered back.

"I put my tooth under my pillow, and I got a pound!"

"You did!" Amilia hugged him again, "That is wonderful!" She set him down and held out her hand for him to hold while he jumped around. Kylie and Marcus came over; little Brandon was strapped to his mother's chest. Amilia leaned over, speaking low, "What is a tooth fairy?"

Kylie rolled her eyes, "Some Muggle myth."

Marcus huffed, "Of all the people with magic, I thought that you would have heard of them, Amilia." Amilia sucked in her bottom lip to keep from laughing, "As I told my wife, the tooth fairy comes and pays a child for their tooth. It is a right of passage."

Amilia covered her mouth to hid the smile and nodded, "Alright. If you say so."

Kylie rolled her eyes at her husband; having been raised in a Pure-blood household without any Muggle interaction, it was hard for her sometimes to accept that they had their own traditions. It was the main struggle in their marriage and caused a lot of fights. Kylie had to accept it and often let him do the things he wanted simply because she did not want their children to miss out on that side of them. It had taken speaking with Amilia several times for her to accept it, though on some things, like the idea of a tooth fairy, was just too much. Amilia smiled reassuringly at her friends, "I need to get a new textbook. Other than that, I am free to browse."

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