Chapter 20

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Ten weeks remained before testing, Amilia had set up a schedule for students to request. The placard sat outside her door; each hour that ticked, a new name or slot would appear. If a student wanted to request a time slot, all they had to do was place the tip of their wand on the spot. Unsurprisingly, Hermione Granger had taken several spaces. Amilia shook her head as she prepared her classroom. Neville was the first appointment; as usual, he brought her another essay that he wanted to make sure was right.

Cautiously the boy entered her classroom, "Professor?"

"Yes, Longbottom?"

"I, uh, are there going to be others in here today ?" He glanced at the sign outside of her door.

"Well, you are the only one for this time slot." Amilia turned around, a book in her hand; she smiled at him sweetly before beckoning him over. "Come, I have something you should see."

He dropped his back at the desk nearby and shuffled over, following her into her office. Amilia pointed at the little pot on the desk. The green leaves reached up to the sky, and small fuchsia buds sat on top. Neville squatted and inspected the plant. "I thought it would be more pink."

"It might we have got to give it some time to bloom."

"I can't wait!"

Amilia patted his shoulder, "Now, let me see this essay of yours."

After some time pouring over the notes that the boy took, Amilia relaxed and smiled at him. "You have done a wonderful job. This essay on Dittany is one of the best I have read yet. You should get a good grade on it."

"You think so?"

"Yes, I do." She pushed the chair back and stood up, "Bring it to me once it is graded. We can go over anything that you may have missed."

Neville gathered his belongings and waved before he left her classroom. Amilia waved back and caught the sight of sweeping black robes moving from view of her window. I wonder if he came to see if I was giving Longbottom the answers. She snorted, it seemed like something Severus would do, but she could not be bothered to think about it for too long. Granger was coming through the door. "Hello, Professor Hubbard."

"Hello, Miss Granger. What subject do you want to do today?"

"I would like to review transfiguration."

"Perfect." Amilia raised her hands, and the first-year transfiguration textbook floated over. Hermione sat down, set her wand on the desk along with quills and parchment. The two got to work. Amilia was very impressed by the first-years spellwork. It was to the textbook, no deviation at all. "Why are you here, Granger? You are the brightest witch of your age, and yet you come to me for tutoring."

Hermione lifted her brown eyes to meet Amilia's, "I do not want to fail these tests."

Amilia smirked, "You will do just fine." She patted the desk and stood, "Looks like our time is up."

Hermione gathered her belongings and delicately shoved them in her bag,  "Neville says that you have been helping him with his potions assignments."

Amilia titled her head at the girl curiously, "Yes, what of it?"

"He talks about you a lot, saying that you are very talented and knowledgeable about potions."

"It was my favorite class when I was a student here, and I did teach it when I was at Beauxbatons."

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