Chapter 53

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The snow had finally melted, and the students were enjoying the sun as much as the Dementors would allow. Amilia had recently substituted for Remus, and she thought she did well. The third-years were studying vampires. There were multiple questions relating to Muggle stories, which Amilia did find annoying to answer, but the better the students were informed, the better they could identify and defend themselves.

"We only have a week and a half before Easter break," Poppy said as she poured tea. "Will you be staying?"

"I will be gone for one day. Alice will be in London, and she wants to meet up."

"Oh, that will be fun!"

Amilia grinned and propped her feet up on the stool nearby. "Do you think Hagrid will be alright? I heard the hippogriff lost its appeal."

Minerva sighed, "He is very distraught; he keeps blaming himself."

Amilia scowled, "But it was not his fault. I ought to give Draco detention. I should have done it then!"

"There is nothing you could have done, and giving the boy a detention will just bring the Ministry and Lucius down upon you."

"Not like that hasn't happened before." She said, her tone biting. "I can handle Lucius."

"We know," Poppy started, "but in this moment, it is best to keep your head down."


Poppy pointed at Amilia's right arm, "Draw too much attention, and they may look into you for Black entering the castle."

"I did not even know him! The Ministry knows that I was an unwilling participant, and I gave them everything that I could tell!"

Minerva and Poppy glanced at each other, "We are just thinking about your safety."

"Fine." Amilia snatched a sandwich up and shoved half of it in her mouth.

"So, what are you and Severus doing these days?"

Amilia choked on the food in her mouth. She took her tea and gulped it down, clearing her throat. "What?"

"You two seem to be on more amicable terms." Poppy chimed.

"Well, um," Amilia thought back to the letter she had placed in her desk, "things are well, but not in the sense that you want." She gave Poppy a pointed look. "It is not terrible to be constantly partnered with him for Hogsmead supervision."

"That is an improvement." Minerva mused. 

"If you say so," Amilia mumbled, hiding behind the teacup. "Why are you two always asking that question?"

"Curiosity." Poppy said.

"I just want you two to get along." Minerva grinned as she stretched, "Now, I have to get going. Last-minute preparations before Easter."

"She also asks him these questions as well." Poppy said as she gathered the dishes, "So it is not just you that she pesters."

"Who knew that Minerva could be so nosey," Amilia mumbled.

Poppy perked up, "Is there a reason to be nosey??"

"No. Not at all." Amilia rose from the chair and waved to the woman as she left. She inhaled deeply as she passed the courtyard, the spring flowers were starting to bloom, and the air was fragrant. Amilia checked her watch; she still had time before she needed to meet Severus. He had requested her assistance with something for test prep. 

Amilia strolled through the covered pathways the surrounded the castle; the air was still for the most part, and it was relaxing. She did not feel the encroaching doom that the Dementors always brought; did the Ministry finally recall you bastards? 

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