Chapter 7

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Autumn had fully set in; the Potter boy was the school's talk with the upcoming quidditch match. Minerva and Albus overlooked that he was a first-year when he caught some items that had been thrown in the air. According to Minerva, it was the best catch and broom work she had seen in ages. Amilia had talked with Draco; he was nervous but wanted to perform, on the condition that she go with him and play the other register if required. Amilia agreed.

Severus stood in the large common room, waiting for the students to gather; he caught sight of Amilia standing near the back of the room with Draco by her side; he nodded at the boy. "Today is the first match of the season, and of course, we are playing Gryffindor. I expect a victory." His eyes met every student. The high ceilings echoed the roar that they produced.

Amilia chewed on her bottom lip; this whole scenario reminded her of her last year's first match and the lingering gaze Severus had on her and how it made her feel but saw how he treated the students during the last week of October reminded her of what had happened. Thankfully the silencing charm worked; she did not hear him moaning and groaning in his quarters. Even Amilia realized during that week that the Potter boy was depressed. Amilia had heard that he recently learned the truth about his parents. She pitied him; not knowing what happened had to have been hard.

Students walking in front of her brought her back to reality; she sighed. Amilia would be at the game; over the past five years, she worked on her fear of heights, if she were in the center of the stands, unable to see the ground, she would do alright, but she did not want to be near Severus. Hence, she decided to remain closer to the ground and keep an eye on the students who would walk around and go to concessions. Amilia stood in the corridor and glanced around to make sure no one saw, and she whispered her password, the door appeared, and she stepped into her sitting room.

The fire crackled in the fireplace, Bubbles nestled into her dark cage, soft hooting greeted her, and Edgar flapped his wings. "No, darling, you stay here today. I do not want you to get hurt by a stray ball." Amilia tossed him a small treat as she passed by; her coin purse sat on a shelf next to her wand holster. She strapped the holster to her left thigh, and the coin purse tucked neatly into her belt loop. She donned her emerald cloak and pulled her hair up into a loose ponytail before starting up the stairs.

Severus stood in the courtyard, eyeing students as they rushed past him. Green and red banners flew high on the stands off in the distance. He smugly puffed out his chest as Minerva glided past him, her aged hands beckoning for his coins. Reluctantly he dropped a few knuts and fell in step with her. "I have a great feeling about this match." She mused softly.

"So do I," Severus said, his eyes falling off her face as an emerald cloak rushed past them.

Minerva followed his gaze, "Has she spoken to you at all?"

"Not unless necessary."

Minerva sighed, "You knew that this would have been a possibility. Maybe over time, she will be more tolerant of your presence."

Severus looked at his hands as he fiddled with the ends of the black crocheted scarf. "Maybe." He and the old witch started walking to the quidditch pitch. He kept an eye out for the young witch, but he did not see her. He let out a breath and relaxed; he knew that she would not be in the stands; her fear of heights would not allow it.

He and Minerva reached the top and took in the sight of the green pitch and the clear sky above them. The wind gently blew, and the flags flapped lazily in the breeze. Severus surveyed the stand. Minerva sat next to Dumbledore, who talked with several of the staff. Quirrell sat in the middle, fidgeting, and stammering as he tried to converse with a young woman. Bloody fuck. It was Amilia.

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