Chapter 21

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Several weeks passed, and Amilia was having tea with Poppy and Minerva. She kept tilting her ear out into the main floor, listening for a sign or a whisper of anything that would lead her to who was spreading the rumors.

"Amilia, dear, you look lost." Minerva peered at the young witch over the rim of her teacup.

Amilia sighed, "Have you tracked down the person who listened to our conversation?"

Minerva scowled briefly, "No."

Amilia huffed and slumped in her seat. Poppy pouted; she was only just now learning about the Christmas night fiasco. "Must you leave so soon?"


"Do you have another job lined up then?"

"No." Amilia bit into the sandwiches before her. "Minerva, what is new?"

Minerva sighed and set down her cup. "Potter, Granger, and Longbottom have detention. So does Malfoy."

Amilia choked on her food, and some sputtering, she managed to croak, "What? How?"

"Longbottom told me that Potter and Granger were doing something to get Malfoy in trouble. Filch caught them coming down from the astronomy tower" Amilia watched Poppy snicker as Minerva continued, "They will be serving detention with Hagrid in the forest."

"What!?" Amilia slammed the cup down, chipping the bottom. "Minerva! They cannot go into the woods. They are children!"

"They will be safe with Hagrid."

"He cannot use magic! Please, let me go with them!"

"No. Hagrid knows that forest well. They will be fine."

Amilia rolled her eyes but conceded the conversation. In just a few weeks, she would be gone and away from Snape and the stupid rumors that followed them.

"What are you going to be doing for the tests? I hear you have been very busy lately." Poppy said, trying to keep some conversation going.

"I have been." Amilia looked at the woman, "I will be facilitating the written tests, as usual." She stood and stretched, "I have to go."


Amilia chuckled, "Yes, I have been here for three hours! And I do have to chaperon today too."

Minerva even looked surprised; she too stood and gathered up the plates, "I will take care of this. You go." Amilia waved them off and left to her private quarters.

Amilia tossed on her sapphire riding coat and patted her shoulders; both Edgar and Bubbles clamored on. They entered the courtyard and took off, their wings just brushing against the top of her head. She beamed as she watched the two disappear into the bright blue sky. Slowly, Bubbles had been getting better at flying but not nearly as long as she used to be. No matter how much Amilia hoped and prayed, she knew her feathered friend was at her limit.

She brushed her hair out of the way as she meandered down to the small village. She waved at some of the students as they passed; they waved back and immediately put their heads together and started talking. Amilia sighed; this is the reaction she has had for the past few weeks. It was harder to ignore now that she knew someone had started spreading the rumors that she and Severus were back together.

After some time, she walked into the Three Broomsticks; Madam Rosemarta waved her down. "I have heard some interesting things about a certain couple that are no more."

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