Chapter 8

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Amilia was eating breakfast in the Great Hall when Edgar flew in with the post. He gently landed on her shoulder, the tips of his wings carefully touching her neighbors heads. Amilia pulled the letter out of his mouth and gave him a slice of ham before he flew away.

Severus watched the large bird shine in the sunlight as he left through a hole in the ceiling. He glanced over at Amilia as she tore open her letter; a large smile spread across her lips as she tucked it into her robes.

She had been avoiding him again after the quidditch match. He did not blame her, he was on patrols the next night, and she had bumped into him, a plate full of cookies, one in her mouth, and what he believed was warm milk in her hand. She had gasped, the cookie that she had been nibbling on dropped to the floor, crumbs littered the corners of her mouth as she flushed under his wand light and avoided his gaze. He tried to make small talk with her, but she kept shuffling her feet, clearly wanting to be away from him. He had bid her goodnight and watched her walk down the hall, darkness surrounding her until he could not make out her form at all.

Amilia felt his eyes on her again. It irritated her. After the match, he had tried to talk to her most likely about what happened, but she absolutely refused. He stood there for a few minutes, blocking the way; once he let her pass, she had to pretend to walk to the main floor before she heard him continue on his patrols. She casually looked up, scanning the staff table before she glared at him. She did not want him to think anything was changing at all. One moment of weakness did not equate to forgiveness.

She fumbled with her letter Anthony had written to her. He and Aaron were coming to Hogsmead to see her for her birthday; it was something to look forward to. She wiggled in her chair with excitement; she would be seeing them in a couple of days. Amilia had not seen them in nearly a year. She had put off seeing them before the term started because she wanted to clear things up with Bouxbaton. Amilia only needed to make it through two school days before she could see their wonderful faces.


Amilia startled slightly; a round-faced, young boy wearing a Gryffindor tie stood before her. "Yes...uh?"

"Neville Longbottom, mam."

"What can I do for you, Mister Longbottom?" Amilia asked.

"I...I was wondering if I could come see you for tutoring." His face turned red as he looked at his hands, "My gran isn't too happy about my grade."

"Well, that depends; what class is it for? You can always come to me for remedial work after Christmas."

"Oh." He started to shuffle away.

"I did ask you what class it was."

He lifted his eyes to look at her; fear flitted across his face for a moment before he pulled his shoulders up to his ears, "It is potions, mam."

Amilia raised her brow and glanced at Severus; he was engaged in a conversation completely oblivious to what was being discussed. Amilia smiled sweetly, "Of course. Bring your assignment to me after the free period, and we can go over it together. I will speak to Professor Snape about pulling your grades so I can see where I can best help you."

The boy's face lit up, "Thank you!" He scurried away to his table.

Amilia smiled smugly. If anything annoys HIM even more, it will be that he cannot fail a student.

Amilia rummaged around her office, waiting for Longbottom; she was anxious about going to Severus's office. She had not stepped foot in there since Bubbles got confused. She absolutely did not want to go in there for any reason, but getting accurate grades on assignments could only be done in one's office. She groaned and walked into her classroom; the boy was hovering outside her door. She smiled at him, motioning for him to enter. Slowly he opened the door, his head low and his eyes even lower. "Is everything alright, Longbottom?"

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