Chapter 36

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The next match came, and Amilia finished waving students on. Lockhart stood next to her, waiting, "Wonderful weather today."

"Yes," She said as she started for the lower platform, "You do not need to be here."

"Well, I want to be here in case someone or something were to attack you. No need for the Remedial Professor to be petrified."

"There has not been an attack in months, and I can take care of myself."

"Ah yes, against someone you know, but you will not know who is doing this, and I have experience with dealings with creatures and people who do these types of things. If you read my works,"

"I would know. Yes, I know." She snapped and turned her attention back to the pitch. Minerva walked out onto the field, "What is she doing?" She leaned forward.

"The match is canceled; all students return to your dormitories."

Amilia rocked back onto her heels, "That is strange." She towards the staff stands, searching for Severus, "Do you know what is going on?" She asked him; he shook his head and began to bark orders for Slytherins to form two lines. Amilia led the way while he took the back; it was a quiet march back to the castle.

They waited in the common room; Amilia worked furiously on a large blanket of several shades of green when a bell began to ring. Everyone looked up for the sound, "Students and staff, we have grave news. Two more have been attacked. Staff will escort students to their classes; no late slips will be made. All extracurricular activities are hereby suspended. Exams are still on track. Thank you."

Amilia eyebrows knitted together as she and Severus made eye contact. "There goes any free time that we may have."

Weeks flew by, and the exams were only a few days away. Amilia was exhausted since she had the least classes to worry about; she was left in charge of escorting students to class as much as possible. She had gotten down a system though, those on one floor would all gather, and she would drop off each group while picking up another. There were some moments during the days were another professor had a planning period and would take the group off of her hands, but it was not as often as she would like. Severus made a point to be the only one to escort students from his classroom in the dungeons, muttering something about too many students in the halls at once could disrupt potions that were brewing.

Lockhart, to her annoyance, would always be escorting his classes with his wand brandished and jumping around corners. Several times he had startled other teachers or students and caused quite a commotion.

Thankfully, this day, she was given time for herself. She sat in her office, her feet resting on her desk, Edgar napping on the small perch near her classroom door. The bells rang again, and she immediately put her feet on the floor, listening intently, "All students must return to their Houses, all teachers must report to the staff room." Amilia grabbed her wand and told Edgar to go to bed as she dashed out the door.

"what is going on?"

Amilia shrugged as she took a seat next to Flitwick.

Minerva walked in, "We will be sending students home. Hogwarts is no longer safe."

"What? Why?"

Minerva wrung her hands, "There is another message. Someone has been taken into the chamber."

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