Chapter 23

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Though I do have to apologize for one thing—

"Do you have evidence?"

"No but—"

"Sorry, kid. We can't help you."

"I've been filing multiple reports for sexual harassment and stalking behaviour! Why aren't you listening to me?! What kind of a shit police are you? All I ask is that you take her away, please."

"Look, we're already busy with enough cases. She's your secretary so fire her? Now get lost, can't you see we're busy?"

Jungkook angry left rhe police station. Stupid bunch of idiot cops! Can't trust you for shit."


"Chemotherapy, it can give you side effects such as fatigue, infections, anaemia, bruising or even bleeding, sore mouth, but I'm sure the most common one is... Hair loss..."

Jimin frowned and touched his hair, "My silver hair is going to fall out...?"

"I'm afraid so."

"How long will this last?" Taehyung asked instead as he watched Hoseok cradle Jeonsan.

"Well, it's sort of like a course. Six to eight months maximum. Of course, you might have to take a second course because cancer doesn't go away easily."

"Also, a few things to avoid when you're starting chemotherapy is: Avoid caffeine. Don't nap during the day or stay up late at night. Just keep a regular pattern. Avoid strong smelling foods and avoid fatty fried, spicy, or even overly sweet foods to avoid having any disorders of taste. No stress, or even if you do get tangled in stress, try yoga or listen to calm music. No alcohol or nicotine. Be extremely hygienic and don't cut off your family and friends because it can cause more stress."

Jimin's eyes felt watery, he wondered, did he have to take such a long course? What if it didn't help him even if he ended up taking two courses? What if it helped in one? What if his cancer comes back?

Then, a new thought popped up, and he let his tears fall

I don't have enough money for treatment...

"Jimin, why are you crying...?"

"I-It's pathetic, you know? Being the husband of a CEO and still not having enough money because I hadn't told Jeongguk that the money in my bank account needed a recharge and then we fought a-and... I sound so desperate for money..." He whispered the last phrase, but Taehyung heard it.

He mentally made a note to talk to this about Jeongguk later.

"Don't worry about that, Minnie. When can we start? Name the date!"

Dr. Min scanned through his schedule. He frowned, "Jimin, can you tell me why you don't want to come to the hospital? If you can give me a reason, I can ask my higher-ups to treat you at your own home."

Jimin looked away though he felt happy, he didn't have to come to this hospital!

"I was a medical student. Found a job at a hospital, and after passing my one-year internship, I was an official doctor. Though it wasn't ecstatic as everyone described it to be. The constant stress and headaches became unbearable. What hurt me the most when doctors promised to save people; they stood in front of their relatives and said,'We'll try our best' but almost never keep that promise. It happened to me once. "

Jimin blinked the tears away.

"Please! Do whatever you can to save my dad. Please! Dr. Shin, I beg you!"

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