Chapter 8

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It's all a lie—

Taehyung sang to himself and danced around while cleaning his house. He was in such a good mood today. Sure, cleaning was a pain, but if he got to listen to his favourite tunes, then he would gladly do it.

His wife, Hae-won, had gone to the mall, so he went ahead and cleaned to surprise her.

After cleaning, he fell on his couch and stared at the ceiling above him.
I know he has someone else, but sometimes I do miss him... I wonder what he's doing now. Reading? Spending time with his boyfriend? Does he still think about me? Ah, this is stupid.

Sighing to himself, he decided to take a nice cold shower. He didn't know when his wife would be back.

After a few hours, Hae-won entered their house, slightly confused and in dibeleif. Taehyung was about to run to her but stopped when he saw what state Hae-won was in.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's impossible. This is impossible. I just saw things. It's not real." Hae-won muttered to himself, walking away from her husband, completely ignoring him.

Taehyung pouted.

"Hae~, what happened? What's impossible??"

Hae-won looked at Taehyung and made him sit down on the couch. Taehyung quickly grasped the idea that it was a serious situation, and he instantly held Hae-won's hands.

"I-I... I just saw Jeongguk.."

Taehyung looked at her confused.

"With... Someone else..."

Taehyung coughed and looked at her slightly wide-eyed. "You—what?!"
Hae-won stared at Taehyung, "I might be seeing things, but it looked like Jeongguk from the back... I don't know but I'm really scared. Jimin, what about him? And Jeonsan—"

"Hey, Hey... Calm down, will you? It was probably someone else, Plus, Jeongguk must be at work, not at a mall, Hae."

Hae-won nodded her head, "Yeah, I just saw things. Jeongguk really loves Jimin and his son. Oh, my God. What was I thinking? Haha.." Taehyung smiled and fell on Hae-won, making her laugh.

"Get off, you big oaf!"

They sat there in silence before Taehyung spoke up.

"Do you ever miss your ex?"

Hae-won looked at him and sighed, "Sometimes, yes, BUT I'm happy with you, so that's all that matters... Do you?"

Taehyung gave a sad smile, "Yeah, sometimes I find myself wondering what he's doing. Don't get me wrong, but you know first love and shit."

Hae-won giggled, "It's okay, baby. Now, let's eat. I'm starving."


"So, Mr. Park... Did someone in your family have lung cancer?"

Jimin thought for a bit before replying, "My grandmother did, from my dad's side."

"Did your dad also have it?"

"No, from what I recall, dad was pretty healthy."

Dr. Min nodded and wrote down on his clipboard. Jimin was lying on his bed while his doctor sat on the chair near him. Jeongguk awkwardly stood behind the doctor.

"Okay, Mr. Park—"

"If you'd like, can you drop the formalities? It makes me feel old..."

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