Chapter 36

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It's hard—

A few days later


"Jimin, I won't even fit!"

"Fine! Just hide somewhere! Are they coming?"

Namjoon nodded his head, "Yeah! I see them. Far across the hallway."

Jimin lit the candles on the cake and ushered Seokjin to close the lights.

Everyone was quiet until they heard the door open.


Party poppers busted, and Jeonsan flinched in shock.

He looked around the room and saw it decorated with balloons, streamers, and confetti pieces. His eyes landed on his father, who was holding the cake.

Jeongguk smiled and walked towards Jimin's bed and sat beside him. Jeonsan excitedly rushed towards the cake and clasped his hand together, and made a wish.

I wish... My papa got better! Then we can go on a family trip!

Opening his eyes, he blew the candles, and everyone cheered.

"Seokjin, could you hold Wonhae for me? Thank you!"

He picked Jeonsan up and spun him around, which emitted giggles from the little boy.

"Uncle Tae's precious tiger! Look at you, already five!"

Jeonsan kissed Taehyung's cheek and then wiggled so the red-haired would let him down.

"I'm sorry we had to celebrate your birthday in a hospital room. We'll have a big party next time! Happy birthday, my little angel."

Jeonsan shook his head, "It's okay! Thank you, Papa and Daddy! I love you both!" He hugged his parents who hugged him back tightly.

"I hope we're not late to the party~"


Yoongi and Hoseok were, of course, wearing their uniform since they were still at the hospital, may it be late at night.

"Here. This is for you. Happy birthday!"

Jeongguk took the gift instead and kept it near the pile of gifts that were neatly kept over the table.

"Daddy... Papa... Can I open my presents?"

"Not yet, bun. Let's wait for your grandparents."

Jeonsan pouted but nodded nonetheless.


The party lasted hours. Jeonsan was given so many presents, to which Jimin called him spoiled. He was really spoiled by his family.

Taehyung gave him a nice suit, Seokjin gave him a superhero figurines, Namjoon gifted him a book about coloring different superheros, Yoongi and Hoseok gave him a superhero blanket and the grandparents gifted him a remote controlled car and a superhero suit, more specifically, a Spider-Man suit.

Jeonsan thanked all of them and hugged each of them, and bid them goodbye.

Jeongguk cleaned the entire room, taking responsibility.

Once everyone was gone and the room was in tip-top shape. Jeongguk collapsed on the chair next to his husband's stretcher and fondly smiled at Jimin, who was stroking his son's hair, who soundly slept on his chest.

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