Chapter 12

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Why are you—

"What do you mean Papa isn't doing well?"

Jeonsan pouted, upset. "Papa coughs all the time. Sometimes, he even holds his shirt like really tightly! Papa cries too, but when I ask him, he always says he's fine..." Unknowingly, Jeonsan started crying.

Jeongguk's eyes widened when he noticed his son's precious crystal tears falling from his beautiful brown orbs.
He couldn't take it. He was absolutely weak for his son.

"Sannie, baby. Please don't cry... You're going to make Daddy cry, too..." Jeongguk silently shed tears as well. He lifted his son up and protectively stroked the back of his head, whispering sweet things to the little crying boy.

"Shh, it's okay. Papa's alright." Jeonsan shook his head, "Good people don't lie..."

Jeongguk tried to lull the crying boy to sleep, singing him a song softly. He knew singing would work on him, so that's what he did.

While this happened, Jimin stood behind a wall, cupping his mouth so he didn't let out any sounds. He sobbed quietly.

Is this what life is going to throw at me? This isn't even funny anymore. It's just taking everything away from me...I don't like this.


"Let's go ice skating!"

Jimin suggested the idea when they were gathered together to have some family time together.

Jeongguk looked at him with a wide smile, "Yeah! What do you say, Sannie?" The younger asked his son.

Sannie shifted his gaze from the puzzle he was making, and his eyes shimmered at the thought. "Can we?? Please, please, please!" The married couple laughed at their son, who could resist his puppy eyes?

"Of course! After that, I heard there's a festival down in Namsan Park! They're planning to have a firework show at 9 pm! Let's have dinner while we watch it~" To this, Jeonsan suddenly jumped from his place and ran to give a hug to his parents.

"I'll go pack things up, then."

Jeongguk immediately stopped Jimin, "No, you sit down here. I'll do the packing." Jimin immediately got the idea. He was doing this because of what happened in the afternoon.


Jeongguk looked at Jimin, confused.

"Can you stop treating me like something is wrong with me! I mean, I know it is, but can you not treat me like that? Can you just treat me the way you used to? You're becoming extra touchy and lovey. I like it, but at some point, it loses its value. I don't wanna be treated differently just because I'm sick. You don't playfully hit me anymore. You don't sleep until I'm asleep ... and... you don't even playfully scold me anymore..."

Jeongguk stilled.

"It's not fair... I've always treated you the same, but you suddenly changed... You changed a lot and... Never mind... I'm just being weak and immature."

The raven head didn't say anything. It's not like he wouldn't. He just couldn't; he was left stunned, speechless.
"Jimin, I—" He closed his mouth, not knowing what to say exactly. How should he comfort the older?

Jeonsan watched in disbelief.

Awkwardness floated in the deafening silence.

Sighing, the silver heard stood up and made his way towards his room, the task to pack things in mind.

Jeongguk pursed his lips and stared at his son, who was confused just as his father was. Jeonsan glared a little, indicating he should go talk to the older. Jeongguk shook his head, flailing his hands around.

Jeonsan crossed his arms and shook his head. "Go!" He whispered.

He pouted slightly before carefully walking towards his room. He creaked open the wooden door to find Jimin crying.

W-What? Did it hurt him that much? DID I HURT HIM THAT MUCH?!

He sat down, one knee on the bed. He looked at the boy who had his head rested on his folded knees. Jimin let out a strangled sob, and he cried harder.

"Jimin, baby... If you don't tell me what's exactly making you act like this, I can't help you..."


Jeongguk sighed. He rubbed his nape, not knowing what to do. He thought for a few minutes before he pulled out his phone, calling the first person he could think of.

"Ay! Jeongguk. Why didn't you call me? How's Minnie? I really miss him, but work is a pain in the ass. Anyways, you know, we checked out the gender of our baby, and guess what! We're going to have a baby boy~ Ah, Jeongguk, I'm so happy! Where's Minnie?"

"Taehyung. Can you please talk to Jimin? He's not been himself and—yeah, just talk to him."

Jeongguk offered the phone to Jimin, but he pushed his hand away. So he just put it on speaker and left the room to give them some privacy.

"Jimin... Please talk to me."

Jimin sobbed harder until he finally let the words slip. "I-I think G-Guk...Guk is seeing s-s-someone else."

"... What?"

Jimin sniffed, "It's been bothering me so much! Even if Jeongguk has a lot of work, he always. I mean, always comes back by 9 pm. I've been with him for over 6 years! He receives constant messages from someone. He's treating me a little differently, too! I don't want to assume, but I can't help it!"

Taehyung sighed," Have some more faith on the man. Please. You and I both know Jeongguk can never, never do that. You know it so well. Why are you being so insecure over it? Minnie, you're overthinking. Have you slept enough?"

Jimin gulped, "I can't sleep. My condition barely lets me."

Taehyung let out an exhausted sigh, "A dumb ass, that's what you are."

Jimin chuckled.

Jeongguk knocked before entering in to see a smiling Jimin wiping his tears. "Thank you, Tae. I love you, and congratulations! I'll visit soon!" He said before hanging up.

"Are you feeling better?"

Jimin enthusiastically nodded, making Jeongguk look at him weirdly. Did he flip a switch or something?

"Are we still up for the—"

"I think I'm going to catch up on some sleep. Let's go next time? Promise!"

Jeongguk nodded. He couldn't resist Jimin. Nobody could.

"Fine, next time!"

—doing this to me?

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