Chapter 27

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With you—


Jeonsan shook his father (according to his strength, of course), who was currently asleep like a log.

"Sannie, let me sleep..." Jimin hushed him and went back to sleep. He was rolling around when he woke up suddenly, "WAIT, SHIT!"

"Papa! No cursing!"

Jimin looked down at Sannie and saw him all dressed up.

"You changed by yourself?" Jeonsan nodded.

"Washed up?" Again, he nodded.

Jimin hurriedly got out of bed and went to wash up while Jeonsan went to the living room.

As fast as he could, he washed up and wore his suit. A black suit with a red and black tie that had a diamond pattern on it. He rushed out and quickly toasted two slices of bread for Jeonsan.

He looked at the time and saw he had approximately ten to fifteen minutes before the bell rang and the school gates closed.

"Sannie, do you think you can eat on the way?"

Jeonsan shook his head and kept back the slice, "Let's go, Papa. We'll be late."
Jeonsan got up but was stopped by his father gasping loudly, "I DIDN'T MAKE YOUR LUNCH!"

It's only my third day, and yet, I'm going to be tardy!

"Okay, you know what? Let's just buy you lunch on the way. I hope small street food stalls are open."

Jimin quickly grabbed his briefcase and made Jeonsan wear his shoes and bag, and then he locked the door; ready for his journey to school.


"I am so sorry! I thought I didn't have a job, and I think I slept through my alarm—"

Namjoon chuckled, "It's fine, Jimin. Oh, did you have breakfast?"

Jimin shook his head, "No, I was in a hurry."

Namjoon smiled widely and pulled out a muffin from his bag, "I drank coffee so I'm not that hungry. You can have this."

Jimin blushed, "O-Oh, thank you, Namjoon..."

Namjoon blushed as well and nodded his head, "You're welcome. Um, I have class on the first period, so... I'll see you around?"

"Yeah... See you around."

Once Namjoon left, Jimin quietly sat back down and ate his muffin happily.
He was glad he made a nice friend... But he hoped he didn't fall for the tall man because no matter how much he denied it, Jeongguk had his heart completely, and there was no changing that..

Jeongguk... Is he doing well? It's been what? Two days? Since we last spoke. Is he even going to work? Should I visit—NO! No Jimin, that's dumb. He cheated, remember?

He ruffled his hair in annoyance and rested his head on the table.

Ring Ring

He quickly whipped back up and answered the call, "H-Hello?!"

"I see you're excited to pick up my call?"

"A-Ah... Dr. Min..."

"So, Mr. Park. Shall we start your treatment?"

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