Chapter 35

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You're worth the wait-

Jeongguk sat patiently in the waiting room. In front of him was the entrance to the operation area. His eyes traced the words on the TV beside the door of the theatre.

Jeon Jimin- In progress

He sighed again and rested his hand on the arm rest. He has been waiting for over four hours now. Was the surgery supposed to be this long?

He had sent his son with Taehyung and Seokjin back home. Jimin's mother and his parents were also sent away; told that the raven-haired would contact them when Jimin was out of surgery.

His back hurt, but he was willing to sit there for as long as it took if it was for Jimin. After all, he did force Jimin onto something that the older despised.

The people stared at him, but no one dared come close to him. He would glare at them, and they'd back away. He was still pissed about how the reporters gave him no privacy, not even for a second.

He was just thinking about Jimin's face, begging him not to let him go.

He regrets it.

What if something happened to Jimin? He wouldn't be able to live.

"Come on. What's taking so long?" Jeongguk whispered.

Hours and hours of waiting, Yoongi finally came out, which made Jeongguk rise up for his seat.


Yoongi smiled; a warm feeling engulfing Jeongguk, "Yes, Mr. Jeon. The surgery went well. He's doing great. We'll shift him to his ward. It will take time for him to wake up, maybe around a few hours, maximum twenty-four."

Jeongguk hugged the doctor and thanked him possibly a million times. Yoongi pat his head and slightly slithered out of the hug, "You'll get blood on your clothes!"

Jeongguk bowed and apologized before rushing towards Hoseok, who was pulling Jimin's stretcher along with a few more employees.

Jeongguk walked with Jimin's stretcher; holding his hand as tight as he could.


"Ah, my baby... He must be in so much pain." Jeongguk's mother whispered, kissing her son-in-law's forehead. Jeongguk's father pat Jeongguk's back and told him it was going to be okay.

Jimin was still unconscious, though eight hours had been passed since his big surgery.

"Where's Jeonsan? And Taehyung?" Jimin's mother asked.

"They'll be here in a little while."


"It's been twenty-six hours, thirty-six minutes and fourteen seconds- fifteen seconds... Why isn't he awake?" Jeongguk whispered to himself, one hand holding onto Jimin's, while the other stroked Jimin's hair.

"I'm sorry,"

Jeongguk then hummed for Jimin, who was still unconscious. He sighed and got up.

"Damn. Your voice is so beautiful." Hoseok commented, which made Jeongguk blush.

"I'm just here to check up on Jimin."

Jeongguk nodded his head and sat down on the couch while Hoseok checked Jimin's vitals and observed his state before leaving.

An hour passed, and Jeongguk grew restless. He laid his head down on Jimin's bed and rested his eyes for a minute, but before he knew it, he was drifting off to dreamland.

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